(ENG) D&D 5a Ed. - Nightfell - Corebook - Flip eBook Pages 151-200 (2024)

PORTRAYING A POSSESSED ONE A Possessed character needs the player to display their character’s worst vices, flaws and whatever resides in the darkest edges of their heart, with grim morbidity. Their identity twisted yet faithful to themselves. Bravery turns into recklessness, fear into aggression, mistrust into xenophobia and contempt, justice into thirst for vengeance. A knight bent on vanquishing evil becomes a merciless slaughterer dwelling on absolutes. These guidelines remind of the Overwhelming Temptation (see above) yet taken to extremes and prolonged over time. In a similar way, a merciful NM could reward a player thoroughly portraying their character’s possession with a 1d6 roll result, usable only once per Possession state, to add as a bonus to any Ability Check, Saving Throw or Attack Roll. INTERDICTION FROM EVIL This ritual requires an hour to complete and a variable number of participants: generally, the more characters who are involved the lesser the risks. POSSESSION When a character reaches 0 Soul Points they become Possessed, haunted by evil spirits who try to lure them to their death. If a character reaches 0 Hit Points while Possessed, they will not be able to resort to a Saving Throw vs. Death, thus meeting their doom with swift simplicity. If confronted with a situation that entails Soul Point Loss, the character will instead gain an Exhaustion Level. A Possessed character is unable to regain Soul Points in any way. The only way to get rid of Possession is to undergo an adequate Cleansing Ritual such as Interdiction from Evil (a ritual that can be celebrated by any character, yet often needs more officiants, and could pose risks for both those trying to remove the Possession and the Possessed one), or alternatively a Lunar Blessing, specialty of the Lunar Cultists. Below, a recap: • Possessed: the character cannot recover Soul Points; if reduced to 0 Hit Points, they die (without any Saving Throw vs. Death); any time they are supposed to lose further Soul Points, they gain an Exhaustion level, instead. 151 Delve into the Night

(optional rule: if you want to add further difficulty and suspense to the game table, you can employ a rule by which the dice must be rolled on the Hex Glyph on the Possessed one’s sheet; if the dice rolls out of it, the attempt fails automatically) • Success: The player/character may recite the following couplet (two verses). Once the fourth couplet is closed, the ritual succeeds. • Failure: The Possessed character gains an Exhaustion Level, the officiant loses 1d4 Soul Points for each preceding couplet minus their Charisma modifier. The following character restarts from the failed couplet, not yet correctly recited (DC is increased by 1). - Once every couplet has been recited correctly and in an orderly fashion, meaning the party got four successful rolls, the ritual ends, and the Possessed character is relieved from their wretched state, regains 1 Soul Point and will be able to recover the Exhaustion Levels and Soul Point loss in the usual ways. - If one of the officiants reaches 0 Soul Points by failing in reciting their couplet, the ritual fails, and said officiant is in turn Possessed (such Possession often manifests dramatically, violently, and suddenly: the new Possessed one may try to kill the other Possessed one, or turn against their companions, or give in destructively to their fear and anger or other negative impulse). NB: In such a disastrous circ*mstance, even a successful interpretation should not be awarded by the NM, whom could even suggest a different course of action to the player or temporarily take control of the character. Here, the ritualistic formula: “Come unto us, o moon light, may thy splendour guide our rite. Spawn of void, accursed Fiend, to leave this body, our prayer bids. Light be still, stand the will, may life win whatever ill. Thus, we exile thee through the door of a dark mirror forevermore.” Characters’ perspective - The characters bind the Possessed one with a rope, they put them on their knees and then they draw a circle of salt around them in the shape of an apotropaic circle. - The characters place themselves on the circle, then they take turns reciting the first couplet of the Prayer for Interdiction. If the prayer is successful, the ritual continues; if not, the Possessed one and the officiant are trapped in a dark vortex that might drain their very soul, unless another officiant resume the ritual from when it failed. - When all four couplets are recited successfully, the Possessed one is relieved from their condition, and all of the characters can finally rest. - If one of the officiants allows themselves to be drawn into the inner darkness of the Possessed one or loses all their Soul Points the ritual fails, and the officiant becomes Possessed themselves (this particular kind of Possession arises suddenly, violently, and dramatically and the newly Possessed could try to harm or kill their companions, especially the one undergoing the ritual, or unleash their most vile urges and flaws). NB: No bonus for a proper interpretation should be awarded by the NM in the case of total failure. If deemed necessary, the NM could even suggest a course of action to the player or rather temporarily taking control of the character. - The ritual requires at least three officiants, three as the Lunar Phases (not counting the New Moon, dark and shadowed, symbolized by the Possessed one placed at the centre of the glyph. If the officiants try to back out and the ritual is interrupted before completion, the Possessed one dies instantly, while the officiants feel their souls torn away and dragged into Ènferun, incurring themselves in the risk of Possession. Players’ perspective - The ritual requires at least three participants. As long as three characters abide and stay in the circle, the ritual may carry on. When their turn comes, any officiant may decide to leave the ritual. If the ritual is interrupted because fewer than three officiants remain, the Possessed one will die instantly, whereas all the officiants lose 1d6 Soul Points and an additional 1d6 for every couplet successfully recited so far. - The players agree upon an order to recite, which must be followed throughout the ritual. In turn, players roll an Intelligence (Religion) check, DC 10 + 1 for every previous attempt (be it success or failure). 152 NIGHTFELL

The various weapons Grim Threshold chart: Weapon Grim Threshold Club, Sickle; Dart, Sling 3 Greatclub, Javelin, Light Hammer, Mace; Blowgun 4 Handaxe, Quarterstaff, Spear, Trident, Whip; Crossbow (hand), Crossbow (light), Shortbow 5 Flail, Morning Star, Scimitar, Short Sword, War Pick 7 Battleaxe, Longsword, Rapier, Warhammer; Crossbow (heavy) 10 Glaive, Greataxe, Greatsword, Halberd, Lance, Maul, Pike; Longbow 13 NEW FEATURE: GRIM WEAPON The Grim Weapon Feature does not replace a weapon’s former features, but rather overlaps them (for example: a Grim Flaming Flail is still covered in flames). The wielder of a Grim Weapon has Advantage on Attack Rolls against Aberrations, Fiends or Undead. It is also to be considered magical as far as Resistances and Immunities to damage go. The wielder of a Grim Weapon is obsessed with it and will never willingly give it up: it symbolizes the many battles fought against horrid and deadly creatures; it is both a point of pride and a charm to soothe the terror felt during said battles. The character has Advantage on Intimidation checks whenever they touch their Grim Weapon: just laying the hand on the hilt permeates them with a dreadful aura. SPIRITUAL FESTERING A Grim Weapon grants its wielder with added effectiveness in fighting monsters spawning from the dark, and imposing their will on mortals through its ominous feel. Even so, it takes a terrible toll on the soul: • Carrying a Grim Weapon decreases the wielder’s Maximum Soul Points by an amount equal to the weapon’s Grim Threshold. Therefore, only the foolish gather more than one or two Grim Weapons if they have not the required spiritual fortitude. GRIM WEAPONS Bows, pitchforks, staves, daggers, or axes: whatever means characters use to tackle the creatures of the night, they will inevitably suffer corruption. Weapons will slowly soak with darkness, until they are tools bound to the Ènferun, imbued in a necrotic aura, and veiled by a dark halo. Those who wield a Grim Weapon assert that it almost has a will of its own, craving vileness and exuding animosity towards its wielder. TURNING GRIM: THE CORRUPTION OF WOOD AND STEEL The weapon delivering the fatal blow to a creature from Ènferun, or one connected to it, absorbs the vile essence of that realm. Whenever a weapon deals the killing blow to an Aberration, a Fiend or an Undead, it gains 1 Grim Point. Each weapon withstands a different amount of Grim Points, namely the Grim Threshold, before turning into a Grim Weapon. This amount is smaller in common and simple weapons, and it increases in rare and powerful weapons. 153 Delve into the Night

AFFLICTIONS Roll (1d10) Soul Affliction Effect (duration 1d10 minutes) 1 Soul Chains The character feels as if cold and malevolent chains grow out of their weapon, wrapping their soul and leaving them helpless. While their body is feverish and trembling, the character becomes paralyzed until they take damage. 2 Shattered Self The weapon shatters the character's soul with a mighty, metaphorical blow to the very core of their being. The hair on the back of their neck stand up, and the character is incapacitated, obsessively going from laughing to crying to babbling. 3 Dread Visage A reflection of their very soul shows the character a glimpse of Ènferun. Their eyes are filled with blackness, seeing nothing but a dreadful delusion which leaves them frightened and fleeing from battle at every turn. 4 Tongue of Blight Darkness seeps into the character's mouth, making their tongue black, sharp and putrescent, and any of their words unintelligible to anyone apart from Possessed Ones and Incubi. 5 Dark Rage Primeval darkness feeds on the character's anger and embitterment, leaving them incapable of telling friends from foes. Their skin glows with red and is ridden with swelling veins. Every turn, the character automatically attacks the nearest creature. 6 Grievous Delusion The character faces lifelike, occult delusions coming straight from Ènferun wherever they turn. Ink black tears flow down their face. They have Disadvantage on any Ability check. 7 Pathetic Enslavement The weapon severs the character from their sense of self and their decisiveness. Their posture is that of defeat and their head bowed, the character subdues to any order given to them , apart from the indisputably self-destructive ones. 8 Unquenchable Gluttony The weapon fills the character with inadequacy and existential dread quenchable only through foul gluttony. Everything becomes nourishment: after exhausting their rations and anything edible, they will not relinquish consuming rotting remains, dirt, rubbish or any other sustenance within reach. Their mouth expands unnaturally, their jaw is dislocated like a snake's. 9 Abyssal Gazing The imbuing vileness of the weapon shows the character a vision as sublime as it is horrifying. It enthralls the character's gaze, which starts turning all white, blinding and dazing them. 10 Abyssal Downfall Darkness lures the character to the edge of a precipice, before dragging them down into oblivion. Sinews crumble and the character falls unconscious, like a puppet whose strings were cut. 154 NIGHTFELL

THE MOON The Moon’s radiance and its position in the sky affect many aspects in the life of Iùrmen’s inhabitants. Such influence can be ascribed to four major Lunar Phases: • Full Moon • Ascending Moon • New Moon • Descending Moon In turn, Lunar Phases are split in Lunar Moments: • Full Moon • Ascending Moon: Waxing Gibbous, First Quarter, Waxing Crescent • New Moon • Descending Moon: Waning Crescent, Last Quarter, Waning Gibbous The effects provided by these Phases or Moments are described below: MONSTERS During some Lunar Phases, monsters would roughly be more dangerous, resistant, and noxious if they are connected to the current Lunar Phase. Conversely, some monsters might be weaker during specific lunar phases. Only a thorough preemptive inspection or profound knowledge of the creature and its habits can give clues to that end. • Any failed attack roll with the weapon entails the loss of 1 Soul Point: the darkness within the weapon thrives on failure and frustration while enticing its wielder with more power. • A natural 1 on an Attack Roll is particularly malicious: the character makes a Wisdom Saving Throw, DC 15, to avoid one random Soul Affliction, described below. CLEANSING A WEAPON FROM CORRUPTION A weapon that has not yet reached its Grim Threshold but acquired some Grim Points can be cleansed with a Vial of Holy Water: the water evaporates at first contact in a black fume vaguely smelling of mint and lemon; the weapon loses half of its Grim Points minimum of 1(rounded up). A fully corrupted Grim Weapon, instead, can only be cleansed with a vial of Lunar Elixir, also known as Moonwater: drenched in it, a Grim Weapon turns back into a normal weapon and without Grim Points. As an alternative, Lunar Elixir can be used while forging the weapon to double its Grim Threshold (for example: a battleaxe cooled down in Moonwater has a Grim Threshold of 20 instead of 10). Weapons quenched in Moonwater usually cost 1000 gp more than ordinary. Lunar Elixir: This transparent fluid is created by mixing water, platinum dust (costs 250 gp) and a drop of blood (the equivalent of 1 Hit Point and 1 Soul Point) from a strong-spirited person (at least 60 Soul Points at the moment of creation). The necessary ritual takes an Intelligence (Religion) check, DC 15, 4 hours for completion, performed outdoors, and the casting of a Bless spell, 3rd level or greater. A roll that fails by 5 or more means the ritual failed but the components were still spent. 155 Delve into the Night

LUNAR DIVINATION Using Lunar Divination takes an hour. The officiant and the witnesses must be in utter silence (or softly moaning tunes) and meditation. The officiant must be able to cast 2nd level spells and must spend a 2nd level spell slot or higher to begin the Lunar Divination ceremony. The witnesses must stand within 10 feet of the officiant for the entire duration of the ceremony to benefit from the divination effects. The officiant always benefits by their own Lunar Divination. Any creature attending a Lunar Divination (either as an officiant or a witness) cannot be part in any role of any Lunar Divination performed in the following 24 hours. It can be performed only outdoors or if the Moon’s position can be seen through windows or the likes (it must be nighttime, even during New Moon). BIRTHMOON Players have the right to choose the Lunar Moment during which their characters were born, which will have some implications: - In a game session set when the Birthmoon of a character is up, that character will benefit from a specific positive effect (purely interpretative): Lunar Phase Lunar Phase Effect Full Moon (wealth, fertility, certainty, knowledge) "I have confidence in my skills and resources. My resolution never wavers." Ascending Moon (novelty, beginning, advancement) "What I long for is getting nearer with each passing day. I am strengthening.” New Moon (rest, inactivity, destruction preceding rebirth) "I feel upheaval inside me and the ability to turn any failure into an achievement." Descending Moon (estrangement, purification, waning) "I do not let worries and regrets weigh me down. Everything passes me by:" 156 NIGHTFELL

- Full Moon: The character has Advantage on all Saving Throws as long as they have full Hit Points; they have Advantage on all Ability checks as long as they have full Soul Points - Waning Gibbous: The character’s adjacent allies can use Taste of Darkness (see above) spending only 1 Soul Point - Last Quarter: The character can cleanse all Grim Points from a weapon not yet turned into a Grim Weapon; if they do, the character regains twice as many Hit Points or Soul Points (choose one) as the cleansed Grim Points - Waning Crescent: The character’s speed increases by 10 feet and any Opportunity Attack made against them has Disadvantage - New Moon: The character may add their Proficiency bonus to any damage roll against a creature who has caused them a Soul Point Loss before (once per turn) Lunar Hex: The player rolls New Moon - Black, but it is not the current phase; characters attending the ritual (apart from those whose Birthmoon was in a New Moon - Black phase) and the Diviner gain an Exhaustion Level. No effect:If none of the above listed outcomes occur , nothing happens. CYCLICAL SEQUENCE OF LUNAR PHASES Imagine the Lunar Phases in a circular sequence going from Full Moon to New Moon and from New Moon to Full Moon. The numbering suggested by our Lunar Dice (d8) is due to design needs and has to be used according to the right correspondence to numbers. These numbers, however, do not reflect an actual temporal coherence to the Phases. Night Masters should first of all assess how the Moon is Full at the beginning of the session, or campaign, and how it gradually darkens (Descending Phase) to become New Moon, and conversely shifts back to Full Moon (Ascending Phase) in an ongoing cycle. So, when a Night Master arranges their Lunar Calendar, they can resort to the following cycle: New - Ascending - Full - Descending To perform the divination, roll a Lunar Die (or a simple d8): 1. Full Moon 2. Waxing Gibbous - Warm 3. First Quarter 4. Waxing Crescent - Humid 5. New Moon - Black 6. Waning Crescent - Cold 7. Last Quarter 8. Waning Gibbous - Arid By means of Lunar Divination, a character obtains four different outcomes: Lunar Blessing, Lunar Influence, Lunar Hex, no effect. These outcomes last until the next Long Rest. NB: If the roll result is the same as the current Lunar Moment and the Birthmoon of one or more characters, said characters benefit from both Lunar Blessing and Lunar Influence. Lunar Blessing: The player rolls the same Lunar Moment as what is currently in the sky; they choose among the following effects: - cleansing a nearby creature from Possession, restoring 1 Soul Point unto them - restoring a Grim Weapon to 0 Grim Points, thus undoing the Grim Weapon feature with all its perks and flaws - restores an equally divided amount of Soul Points, adding up to the Diviner’s maximum, to all participants Lunar Influence: the player rolls the same Lunar Phase as the Birthmoon of someone attending the ritual: all characters benefit of a 24-hour effect. NB: New Moon and Full Moon give out a single, more powerful outcome, whereas Ascending Moon and Descending have three different possibilities. - Waxing Crescent: The character gains 1d6 Temporary Hit Points and Temporary Soul Points - First Quarter: The character is to be considered Proficient in all Initiative checks - Waxing Gibbous: The character gains a +1 bonus to all Ability checks 157 Delve into the Night

CHAPTER SEVEN NEW ITEMS “Buried in time and darkness lies the bequest of ages past. Items that tell stories, stories of power and damnation.” - old Ejre saying - This chapter will explore new items fit for adventures in the lands of Iùrmen. New AArmoors , 160 AAdvennture gear , 164 Magic items , 164 UUnnusual items froom IIùrmenn , 178

EJRE TRIBAL GARMENT Ejre typically weave their clothing with lightweight fabrics, furs, and other elements of animal origin. NEW ARMORS Different kinds of weaponry and armor can be found across the lands of Iùrmen, either sold in outposts or retrieved from forgotten places. Some kinds of armor are highly prized by night wanderers for their remarkable craftsmanship, passed down by smiths of different ethnicities. Here is a list of armors: Armor name Price Armor class Strength Furtività Peso Light armors Ejre tribal garment 8 GP 11 + Dex modifier - - 8 lbs. Lunar Cult attire 12 GP 12 + Wis modifier - - 12 lbs. Medium armors Quilted gambeson 8 GP 12 + Dex modifier - - 18 lbs. Anireth hide armor 12 GP 12 + Dex modifier (max 3) - - 12 lbs. Engraved armor of the World Below 90 GP 13 + Dex modifier (max 3) - - 28 lbs. Garnar half armor 500 GP 14 + Dex modifier (max 3) Str 13 - 40 lbs. Ervenrun scale mail 800 GP 15 + Dex modifier (max 3) - Disadvantage 45 lbs. Heavy armors Beronzin splint mail 700 GP 17 + Dex modifier (Max 1) Str 14 Disadvantage 58 lbs. Anireth ancient armor 1900 GP 20 Str 16 Disadvantage 75 lbs. 160 NIGHTFELL

QUILTED GAMBESON A battledress often used by those favouring swiftness and flexibility. ANIRETH HIDE ARMOR The Anireth kept their skill in weaponry and most of them can still manufacture beautiful armors made in light coloured hide. LUNAR CULT ATTIRE These vests are traditionally worn by those joining the ranks of the new church of the Lunar Cult. Often gray, white or blue coloured, they always display silver embroidery picturing the moon and are bolstered for protection. When your Birthmoon shines in the sky, they radiate a faint gleam and a comforting warmth. 161 New Items

GARNAR HALF ARMOR Battle armor favoured by the Alperns, who have been passing down its workmanship for generations. They are often forged in a shape that recalls the beast-like appearance of the wearer, or the smith’s. ENGRAVED ARMOR OF THE WORLD BELOW This kind of armor is made of leather, hide and metal, which makes it sturdy yet flexible. It is always engraved in the Stone Tongue, as a reminder of the manufacturing traditions of the World Below. 162 NIGHTFELL

ERVENRUN SCALE MAIL A strong yet cumbersome armor, forged in an alloy of minerals coming from the Elder Peaks. It looks like dark, smoky steel. BERONZIN SPLINT MAIL Often worn by Moon Satyrs, who keep their tradition connected to the World Below and adorn their armors with inset fragments of stone. ANIRETH ANCIENT ARMOR Wonderful armors dating back to the First Age, when the armies of the First Men were feared across all of the Known Lands and Anireth soldiers brandished formidable weapons. The technique to forge such armors, alas, is long forgotten. 163 New Items

WITCH’S PACK Peculiar handbags made from animal spoils, containing: small bones, two iron needles, one portulaca root, salt, a small animal skull (snake, bat, crow, etc…), one candle, blank sheets of parchment, an inkpot and a charm. MAGIC ITEMS Many night adventurers come across odd items of arcane power during their travels across the wastelands of Iùrmen. Some of these are not that uncommon, while others’ fame and power drive wayfarers to their pursuit. ADVENTURING GEAR Bags and backpacks specifically stocked for some kinds of characters. ABJURER’S PACK A bag containing: two scrolls, an inkpot, a candle, a holy symbol, a breviary, an olive oil flask, an iron knife, a vial filled with holy water and one filled with wine. WANDERING LYVAR’S PACK Either a backpack or basket containing tools or shining trinkets of different value. For instance: three scrolls, flint, and flintlock, 20 gp of dishware (five or six items), a woodwork toy, five stones, three branches, a jug of wine and rations for two days. 164 NIGHTFELL

Archimleather Armor (leather, studded leather, hide, Anireth hide), uncommon (requires attunement) While wearing this armor, you are immune to push attacks: when a creature, or a spell, tries to push you in a direction, it, or the spell’s caster, will instead be pushed in the opposite. AAresya ammethyst Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) An unrefined gem renowned in Iùrmen’s folklore. These rough fragments of amethyst, singularly light coloured, often possess arcane properties, which can only be revealed by plunging the gem in wine (in a glass, a jug, etc…). Once this is done, you can: detect any Abominations, Fiends or Undead in a 30 feet radius for 10 minutes; determine whether a place is desecrated or cursed; determine whether an item is arcane or accursed, by making it faintly radiate. The sight given by the power of the Aresya amethyst cannot penetrate walls or obstructions thicker than 20 inches. This item has 5 charges: it restores 1d4+1 of them once every new Lunar Phase, but, if you use its last charge, you have to roll 1d20; the item crumbles and is to be considered lost in case of a natural 1. Apotropaic weapon Melee weapon (any), common Such weapons were forged with silver coins and hardened in saltwater. They cannot ever become Grim Weapons nor gain Grim Points. They are to be considered silvered weapons. AAcirenzia cirenzia’s SSceptre Wondrous item, legendary, unique item (requires attunement with a vampire) This black sceptre is crowned with an opal held by talons, resembling a monstrous arm. When a red moon appears and its light touches this instrument, the opal vibrates and emanates a faint noise. This item is enshrined by Acirenzia and embodies her supremacy on the vampiric spawn of Iùrmen. Those attuning with the sceptre automatically gain three additional gifts from Acirenzia, and such attunement lasts until the death of the owner. If a creature other than the owner tries to attune with the sceptre while the owner is still alive, the latter will instantly know, and may choose to teleport to the sceptre , appearing from nowhere with a hand holding the sceptre. If the owner chooses not to teleport to claim it, the sceptre expresses its outrage by breaking the attunement, which leads the owner to a sudden death. This tool can also be used as a weapon, acting as a Grim Mace +3. Its corruption cannot ever be cleansed. 165 New Items

This staff is made of animal spoils, skulls and feathers and is enchanted with the occult magic of the Old Covens. This weapon can be considered as a magical quarterstaff. When you hit a target with it, you can use one of its charges to inflict 2d8 additional necrotic damage and recover the same amount of Soul Points. The staff has 3 charges and restores 1d2+1 once every new Lunar Phase. BBeronzin eronzin’s Flute Musical instrument, rare (requires attunement by a bard) A flute chiselled from a horn of a Beronzin, the extinct Satyrs. If used as a spellcasting focus, the target of the spell has Disadvantage on the Saving Throw (activation requires a bonus action). The item can be used again after a Long Rest. BBlack PPit wweapon Weapon (any), rare (requires attunement) These weapons are enchanted with black magic. The shadow coming from the Dark Mirror allows spellcasters and witches to bestow unearthly properties to these war instruments. The Grim Threshold of these weapons is halved (rounded down), as they are such baleful items that all the evil of those they strike is absorbed. A Black Pit Short Sword, for example, Atavistic Spoils Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement with a medium) Mediums know these bones very well, as Atavistic Wraiths are said to always hold spoils of their bodies to bind them to the Earthly World. Sometimes mediums seek them to gain better control over spectral magic or even to create a stronger bond with the spirit that possesses them by seeking its own spoils. While carrying these spoils, you have a +2 bonus to your Armor Class as a sign of the spirit’s protection. In addition, when your Birthmoon shines in the sky, you automatically have Lunar Influence, with no need for divination. Beastbone staff Quarterstaff, rare (requires attunement with a druid, a master of tradition, a wizard, a monk, or a warlock) 166 NIGHTFELL

CCerammic PPomme Wondrous item, common Handmade instruments impregnated with apotropaic symbolism. If put on the ground during a cleansing ritual, the pome would absorb the negative energy unleashed if one the officiant fails to recite a couplet: the officiant can therefore reroll as if no failure occurred, but the pome is irreparably broken and unusable. CChalice off SSouls Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) These odd chalices, imbued with arcane energy, can absorb dark energy in place of their bearer. As long as you are attuned with the item, your soul is protected: any circ*mstance that would cause you to lose Soul Points will decrease the Chalice’s instead, if you choose so. The chalice possesses 20 Soul Points: when completely depleted, you gain one level of Exhaustion. It will not recharge until the next new Lunar Phase (when it gains 20 Soul Points back). CCrowwn off Ma’hal the TThird Armor (helm), legendary, unique item (requires attunement) This crown is the stuff of legend to the people of the Ishdrim, for its beauty and grandiosity are its most renowned traits. A meaningless clump of gold and rubies, this item was lost to the sands of Sarneum, probably hidden in the ruins of the ancient capital. Yet, some would dare the Sea of Wraiths to find it. As a headgear, it grants a +3 bonus to Armor Class, and the following benefits: - as long as you are attuned with it, you can use a standard action to cast the 2nd level spell Moonsong of Renewal; after casting it, roll a 1d6: if the result is 6, the spell can be cast again, if not, it can be cast only after a Long Rest. - since the crown has a connection with fire, you can withstand temperatures down to -50 °F, -100 °F if combined with other warm clothing. has a Grim Threshold of 3, instead of 7. When you roll a natural 20 on an Attack roll with a Black Pit Weapon, you lose 1d6 Soul Points and add them to damage dealt to the target. This additional damage is to be considered necrotic and ignores any resistance. Curse: once turned into a Grim Weapon, a Black Pit Weapon cannot be cleansed unless a remove curse spell, or anything comparable, is cast upon it. BBlood Moon cape Wondrous item, uncommon This cape made from the skins, furs and bones of animals tied up with leather twines can bring its wearer to a state of mindless savagery. As long as you wear it, when you hit a target in melee combat, you can choose to spend one Hit Dice as a bonus action to deal the same amount, plus your Constitution modifier, as additional damage. BBorda’s noose Weapon (flail), legendary, unique (requires attunement with an evil aligned character) This unnatural noose belonged to the legendary witch Borda. It appears worn out and smells like all the victims strangled with it. The skull of a child is at its end and can be used to pummel enemies. This particular, occult flail is a +3 magical weapon and deals 2d8 additional necrotic damage. When you roll a natural 20 on an Attack roll dealt with it, you deal additional bludgeoning damage equal to twice your Constitution modifier. Curse: Borda’s Noose is a Grim Weapon that automatically reduces your Soul Point maximum by 7. This Soul Point loss cannot be cleansed in any way while attuned to this weapon. Attunement cannot be ended unless a remove curse spell or anything comparable is cast upon it. 167 New Items

Enchanted Lanterns Wondrous item, uncommon These lanterns, skillfully embellished, are imbued with radiant magic, so as to be a source of permanent light in the dark lands of Iùrmen. A standard action must be used to recite the words for its activation, then an arcane light appears. The light cast by the item is bright for 20 feet and dim for 40 feet You can choose the colour of the light and turning it off requires another standard action. When activated, you may choose to have this lantern radiate a soft warmth in a 10 feet radius, preserving those in it from the harmful effects of cold climates. This feature has 1 charge, which is restored at the beginning of a new Lunar Phase. EEnchanted nchanted SSalt CCrystals rystals Wondrous item, common A leathery sack containing salt crystals, enchanted by wise priests of the Old Tradition. As a standard action, you can throw a handful of this enchanted salt against any Undead in a 20 feet radius. The target must make a successful Saving Throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 15). If successful, the target is no longer paralyzed. The sack holds 5 charges, after which it will be empty and unusable. - you can cast spells that deal fire damage without losing Soul Points - as long as you are attuned with it, you cannot be blinded Cursed needle Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Singularly long needles that eerily whisper of the evil they host. As a standard action, you can use one of its charges to sting a target living humanoid creature and inflict a Soul affliction upon it. Rolling a 1d10 will determine what affliction will strike the target, as described in the Grim Weapon section. This item has 5 charges: it restores 1d4+1 of them once every new Lunar Phase, but, if you use its last charge, you have to roll 1d20 and suffer from a Soul affliction in case of a natural 1. Curse: attunement with such an item comes with a curse. Every time the needle is used to inflict an affliction, you must make a successful Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 15) or suffer the same affliction. The curse is removable with a remove curse spell or anything comparable. 168 NIGHTFELL

JJarìat’s TTooth Melee weapon (bludgeoning), rare (requires attunement) Some hammers, clubs, or maces are made with bones and teeth taken from the spoils of giants. Especially amongst the Alperns and the Primals, they are considered mighty weapons holding the ancient power of the extinct giants. When Jarìat’s Tooth successfully hits Medium sized creatures or smaller, they must make a successful Strength Saving Throw (DC 15) or fall to the ground prone. Furthermore, a natural 20 on an Attack roll against those same creatures inflicts additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage. LLagoran’s LLost PPages Scroll, legendary These accursed pages are scattered across all of Iùrmen. These relics belong to the first writings of Archmaester Lagoran, at the end of the First Age, and contain the Truths whispered to him by the Echoes of Death. He still seeks them to put his dark tome back together, and the pages long to be reunited with their author. They are extremely rare items and unearthing them can bestow dark benefits to their owners, along with hints of madness. It is undeniable that these sheets have a will of their own. The Lost Pages, soaked in negativity, were torn apart from Lagoran’s ancient tome and only 10 of them remain. Every page possesses enough power to destroy the mind and soul of their bearer and, differently from other scrolls, they are indestructible and never exhaust their magic. Any creature trying to keep one of the sheets without attunement suffers 6d10 psychic damage. EErven’s HHammmmer Weapon (maul), very rare, unique item (requires attunement) This powerful hammer was king Erven the Mighty’s favourite weapon, who even now keeps it in his undeath. While wielding it, you have a +2 Attack and Damage bonus. Erven’s Hammer deals 1d6 necrotic damage and ignores any resistance or immunity to necrotic damage. In case of a natural 20, you gain 12 Temporary Soul Points. IIstaloth staloth, lost token off nature Wondrous item, uncommon A blossom of Uzedhis, a flower thought extinct after the cataclysm, wrapped in resin, and twined with a silver chain. While wearing it, you are immune to disease. 169 New Items

182 - Truth: You can see things as they really are; by activating this feature with an action, you automatically gain True Sight and can see magically concealed doors and items and even scry into Ènferun in a 120 feet range. 220 - Death: You can cast power word: kill without being a spellcaster, knowing the spell or using any spell slot; you lose the same Soul Point you would lose if you normally cast the spell; this feature can be used once, then you regain its use when you complete a short or long rest. Carrying one of these pages is extremely enervating: your soul point maximum is reduced by 15 for every page you carry (similarly to Grim Weapons). In addition, you become a target for the followers of the Unholy Sacrament: from time to time, the NM might decide to make a group of the cultists assault you to steal the page and take it to Lagoran. Maperapsi aperapsi’s SSkull Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement with a spellcaster) The Primal sorceress Maperapsi, deceased after a botched cleansing ritual in the 64th year of the Lunar Age, designed her own technique for skull enchanting, and it is still passed down over generations. This skull can belong to a humanoid or an animal and must be small enough to be held in one hand. They are easily identifiable by the incisions in First Tongue and the silver coins embedded in their eye sockets. They can be used as an arcane focus by a spellcaster. These magical items have 4 charges, and you can use one as a bonus action to cast any 1st level spell or higher without losing Soul Points. The item restores 1d4 charges once every new Lunar Phase but, if you use its last charge, you have to roll 1d20: in case of a natural 1, the item crumbles and has to be considered lost. When you find one of these items, the NM rolls 1d10 to determine which page it is (these pages are unique items and cannot ever be found in the same place). 1d10 result Lost Page number 1 16 2 24 3 30 4 61 5 70 6 99 7 105 8 149 9 182 10 220 16 - Command: As a bonus action, by impressing the name of a spirit (any incorporeal Undead) on this page, you can control its every action as if it were under a permanent dire charm spell as long as you have hold of the page; you lose an amount of Soul Points equal to the Challenge rating of the controlled spirit, for the page drains your sanity to harness the power needed to control the spirit. 24 - Body: You gain resistance to any physical slashing or piercing damage dealt in melee combat. 30 - Wrath: Anytime you are hit by a physical melee attack, the attacker suffers necrotic damage equal to twice its Constitution modifier. This damage is to be considered magical. 61 - Spirit: You have Advantage on all Saving Throws against spells. When you successfully save against an enemy spell you take no damage and suffer no ill effects. 70 - Head start: You can reroll Initiative checks until you roll 12 or higher. 99 - Night: You bind the power of the moon and are benefitted by Lunar Influence permanently, with or without any divination. 105 - Interdiction: When you reach 0 Soul Points, you can make a Saving Throw vs. Death: if you succeed, you avoid possession and regain as many Soul Points as twice your Intelligence modifier; this feature can be used once, then you regain its use when you complete a short or long rest. 149 - Language: Allows you to comprehend, speak and write in any language; you can even listen to the Echoes’ Whisper and understand it without sustaining Saving Throws against its strain, but still cannot speak it. 170 NIGHTFELL

Moondust key Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Magical item enchanted by Lyvar wandering craftsmen, who enshrine the secret of its creation, for it is ancient Night Fey tradition. This magical key can open any lock, whether magical or not, and then vanish without a trace in a puff of shining dust. Moonkeeper weapon Weapon (mace), rare (requires attunement with a Lunar cultist) Favoured by Lunar Cultists, these maces are engraved with the depiction of Lunar Phases and seem to radiate warmth when moonlit. They cannot ever become Grim Weapons nor gain Grim Points. They deal additional 1d6 radiant damage to Undead, Abominations or Fiends. Moon armmamment Highly prized for the abilities they are gifted with by Lunar Priestesses. Any item that has the “Moon” prefix has the following properties: • Their special features are effective only as long as the character wearing them is directly exposed to moonlight • They are designed to work synergically with one another • They radiate a faint light when directly exposed to moonlight. Moon gloves Armor, very rare Made with excellent quality hide, while wearing these gloves, you have Advantage on Sleight of Hand checks. If worn together with other Moon armaments, you can reroll any roll of 1 or 2 on Attack rolls. Moon helm Armor, very rare These headgears reflect moonlight and increase your Armor Class by 1, by 2 if worn together with other Moon armaments. Moon boots Armor, very rare While wearing these boots, your speed increases by 5 feet, by 10 feet if worn together with other Moon armaments. 171 New Items

PPermmaffrost wweapon Slashing weapon (any), very rare (requires attunement) These are magic weapons coming from the Lands of Alper, where a very singular material, endowed with arcane properties, is mined from the perennial glaciers, and forged into formidable blades by Garnars. They look like shards of translucent ice and they radiate an almost tangible chill, which makes them almost impossible to touch. Some claim that they harness the northern dragons’ breath, and they were used by Giants in bygone ages. They deal additional 1d4 cold damage and ignore any resistance to slashing damage. When a natural 20 is rolled on an Attack roll, the weapon casts a freezing wind in a 20 feet cone, dealing 4d6, instead of 1d4, additional damage in a 20 feet range. A successful DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw halves the cone of cold damage. If you are not attuned with this weapon, you suffer 1d8 cold damage every time you make an attack with it. Mummmmiffied ring Wondrous item, rare Necromancers are known to tuck rings into the rotting flesh of mummies and cadavers, recurring to vile sorcery to enchant such items. These rings grant you immunity to necrotic damage, disease, and poison, and resistance to cold damage. On the downside, you cannot restore lost Hit Points, or gain Temporary ones. Curse: when you wear the ring, it fuses with your finger, causing necrosis and eating it to the bone. You are not aware of said condition before you wear or identify it. The ring can only be removed by a remove curse spell or anything comparable. Overseas weapon Weapon (any sword or dagger), uncommon (requires attunement) These items are magically endowed with a fragment of ancient sun magic. When you roll a natural 20 on an Attack roll with an Overseas Weapon, you deal radiant or fire damage (as you choose) instead of the normal damage type of the weapon. Furthermore, their blade casts bright light for 10 feet and dim light for 20 feet. 172 NIGHTFELL

Scrixoxiu Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement with a descendant of its former owner) Scrixoxius are small cases passed down by families as belongings of fallen ancestors. They are said to be phylacteries for the spirit of the dead in many cultures, and they are shaped accordingly, making some rougher and some others lavisher. To open them, you have to be attuned with them and that happens only if you share bloodlines with its former owner. Sometimes, these items come to rightful heirs in fortuitous ways, as if guided by their own will. These items have 4 charges: you can use each one of them to regain one Hit Dice of Hit Points when you reach 0, at the cost of an equal amount of Soul Points. 1d4 charges are restored once every new Lunar Phase. Solar ashes Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Rare dust rained from the sky during the Last Sun at the beginning of the Lunar Age. These ashes are the last spoils of the sun and, thus, of the Prime Hollon. If sprinkled over the head of a Possessed one, they are automatically cleansed of any possession and recover 1d8+3 Soul Points. This item has 3 arcane charges and restores 1d2+1 once every new Lunar Phase, but, if you use its last charge, you roll 1d20; the item crumbles and is to be considered lost in case of a natural 1. PPortulaca ortulaca LLeaff TTea Potion, uncommon Drinking this tea restores 1d4 Soul Points. A vial of this brew can be used up to 3 times, after which it will be empty and unusable. Portulaca Root Usable item, uncommon You can burn this apotropaic root while performing a Lunar Divination: Lunar Hex, so as to cancel the subsequent Exhaustion level. After burning it, the root turns into ashes and is unusable. SSaintly Mirror armmor Armor (medium, heavy), rare (requires attunement) While wearing this armor, you have resistance to necrotic damage; if you are hit by an attack that deals necrotic damage, the attacker takes half of the inflicted necrotic damage in form of radiant damage. Sandstone Heads Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Hand-sized items, usually stashed in bags and backpacks or even hung to belts, made with sandstone, and shaped like humanoids or animal heads, they bestow good luck upon their owner. As a bonus action, you can activate it and have Advantage on Saving Throws and Ability checks. Once you make a Saving Throw or Ability check with Advantage thanks to this feature, you cannot do so again until you activate the item and spend another charge. This item has 3 charges and restores 1d2+1 once every new Lunar Phase. If you use its last charge, you roll 1d20: in case of a natural 1, the item crumbles and has to be considered lost. 173 New Items

Soul cloak Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) A cloak blessed by arcanists of the Old Tradition to protect its wearer from the coming of darkness. If you reach 0 Soul Points while wearing this cloak, the cloak will restore 1d4 Soul Points as a reaction. This feature can be used once, then you regain its use when you complete a short or long rest. TTears off Mirithlen irithlen Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a Lunar Cult devotee) Pendants adorned with a luminescent blue stone (named Tear of Mirithlen). While performing a possession cleansing ritual, it gives you the chance to reroll the attempt to recite the couplets. Only the rerolled result will count. TTomme off SSupremmacy Wondrous item, legendary, unique item (requires attunement with a follower of the Old Tradition) A magical tome dating back to the Second Age: a compendium of vile creatures and lore about the Old Tradition. It is the greatest possible tool to learn about foes and threats in Iùrmen. Highly prized by Masters of Tradition, it is said to be hidden in the catacombs beneath Ervenrun, kept in the crypt of departed King Erven himself (forefather of the Gray Folk). The pages of this tome appear to be blank and worn out. Only a true sight spell or direct exposure to the light of a Full Moon can reveal its inscriptions, since they are written in Full Moon lunar runes, knowable only by identifying the tome. If you are attuned with the item and obtain access to its writings, you will gain the following benefits: - +3 bonus to Initiative checks. - Performing a standard action, the tome will reveal deeds, legendary deeds, weaknesses, and resistances of a target; also, the target has Disadvantage on any attack against you; this feature can be used on just one target at a time. - As a bonus action, you can cast detect good or evil even if you do not know the spell and without using any spell slot; this feature can be used once, then you regain its use when you complete a short or long rest. - You can pick a creature type (Beast, Humanoid, Dragons, etc…): for an hour, and only once per turn, you can add your Intelligence modifier to a single damage roll against a creature of the type that you picked; this feature can be used once, then you regain its use when you complete a short or long rest. TTomme off the Fiffth Wondrous item, legendary, unique item (requires attunement with a wizard, warlock, medium or a devotee to Necromantic Heresy) Legendary necromantic grimoire, written by Heliodorus himself centuries ago, it is the lost holy scriptures for Necromantic Heretics. The Tome of the Fifth is said to have a will of its own, revealing itself only to most devoted cultists of Heliodorus, or to those lured to the power of undeath. It is said to grant extreme necromantic powers to its owner in exchange for souls. At the moment you are attuned with it, the tome has 3 charges that are cumulative with the forthcoming charges, if not used. For every soul sacrificed during the current Lunar Phase, one of said charges is restored or added to the previous ones and it can be used at the change of Lunar Phase. Performing a standard action, you can use a charge to 174 NIGHTFELL

summon an Encaged One (see Nightfell Bestiary) to obey you and assist you in combat. The summoned wraith acts autonomously from you, but it will follow your orders. During a battle, it rolls its own Initiative and performs its own actions, but it cannot move over 30 feet from you. The wraith summoning lasts an hour, if it is not killed before or if you banish him as a bonus action. Curse: When you become attuned with this unique tome, you pledge a sacrifice pact which you cannot circumvent , and the curse is set. Leaving the tome would be of no use, either. The pact imposes the sacrifice of at least one humanoid’s soul (either killed by you or someone else) per Lunar Phase. If you do not comply, the tome will turn against you and summon hostile Encaged Ones equal to half the charges the item has at the moment (rounded up to a minimum of 2). The wraiths will only target you. To lift the curse and end your attunement, you have to turn the tome against yourself and defeat the Encaged Ones, or alternatively a remove curse spell, or anything comparable, has to be cast on the tome by 17th level, or higher, spellcaster. Whatever the means, once the curse is lifted, the tome will disappear from your hands… possibly to reappear somewhere else to entice someone else. TTongue off HHislith Wondrous item, rare, unique item (requires attunement) A relic left by Hislith the Gray, queen of the Eastern Mark during the Second Age. In her life, she was renowned both as a warrior and as a rhetorician. After her death, her tongue remained unsullied, exemplifying its being her most effective weapon in conquering. Its owner has Advantage on any Charisma based check or Saving Throw. It also allows its owner to cast Moon Fortune once per day without needing any spellcasting ability or using any spell slot. In addition, the owner gains proficiency in Performance and Persuasion skills, if they had not before. 175 New Items

Wand off the SSpider Worshiper orshiper Wand, uncommon (requires attunement with a spellcaster) These are special wands, derived from the limbs of great spiders from the World Below. Their magic is said to come from the energies of the Dark Mirror. The wand has 3 charges with which you can summon a Shadow Spider. It restores 1d2+1 charges once every new Lunar Phase, but, if you use its last charge, you roll 1d20; the item crumbles and is to be considered lost in case of a natural 1. The summoned Shadow Spider acts autonomously from its summoner, but it will follow their orders. During a battle, it rolls its own Initiative and performs its own actions, but it cannot move over 30 feet from its owner. The spider summoning lasts an hour, if it is not killed before or if the summoner performs a bonus action to banish him. SHADOW SPIDER Medium beast, no alignment STR 12 (+1) DEX 16 (+3) CON 12 (+1) INT 4 (-3) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 4 (-3) Armor class 13 Hit points 9 Speed 35 feet, climb 35 feet Skills Stealth +7, Perception +3 Senses Passive perception 13, darkvision 60 feet, blindsight 10 feet Languages - Challenge ¼ (50 XP) Spider climb: The spider can climb any surface, no matter how hard, including ceiling where it can move without any Ability check. Web perception: As long as it touches the web, the spider knows the exact position of every other creature touching it. Web movement: Ignores any limitation to movement caused by the web. Dark Gift: During the New Moon Phase, its Challenge rating raises to ½ (100 XP), and gains the following benefits: - Hit Points are doubled (18 total) - Multiattack: it can perform a bite attack and a slam attack every turn. ACTIONS Bite: Melee attack: +3 Attack bonus, 5 feet range, one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage and the target must make a successful Constitution Saving Throw (DC 11) or suffer 7 (2d6) poison damage, while halving the damage if it succeeds. If that damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but is still poisoned for 1 hour, even if it regains Hit Points, and is paralyzed while poisoned. Slam: Melee attack: +3 Attack bonus, 5 feet range, one creature. Hit: 3 (1d4+1) bludgeoning damage. The Shadow Spider is a beast native to the underground, naturally gifted for ambushes to immobilize and feed on the prey. Many of these creatures infest abandoned ruins and dungeons of uninhabited palaces of old. 176 NIGHTFELL

Wax GGolemm Manual Wondrous item, very rare This book contains the lore needed to create Wax Golems, although two 5th level spells slots are required to decipher its pages: any creature not possessing these requirements that tries to read it suffers 6d6 psychic damage. 20 days of uninterrupted 8-hours work, and the exclusive availability of the book are needed to create the Golem, other than the 40.000 gp of material components for the actual construction. At the end of said process, the book is shrouded by flames and turns into ashes. The ashes must be strewn over the Golem to animate it. The Golem is totally under its creator’s control, completely understanding and following their verbal commands. WA X GOLEM Medium construct, no alignment STR 18 (+4) DEX 9 (-1) CON 19 (+4) INT 4 (-3) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 5 (-3) Armor Class 10 Hit Points 87 (11d8+30) Speed 20 feet Immunity to psychic and poison damage; piercing, bludgeoning and slashing damage dealt by non-magical and non-adamantium weapons; charm, poisoned, weakened, paralyzed, petrified, or frightened conditions Senses Passive perception 11, darkvision 60 feet Languages understand its creator’s language but cannot speak any Challenge 5 (1800 XP) Poison absorbing: Anytime a Wax Golem suffers poison damage, it ignores that damage, regaining an amount of Hit Points equal to that damage. Aversion to Fire: If a Wax Golem suffers fire damage, it has Disadvantage on Attack rolls and Ability checks until the end of the next turn. Immutable form: A Wax Golem ignores any spell of effect aimed to alter its form. Dark gift: A Wax Golem has Advantage on Saving Throws against magical effects and spells. Magical weapons: Any weapon wielded by the Wax Golem is to be considered magical. ACTIONS Multiattack: the Wax Golem can perform two slam attacks. Slam: Melee weapon attack: +7 Attack bonus, range 10 feet, one creature. Hit: 14 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage. A Wax Golem is a malformed mass approximately 10 feet tall, vaguely similar to a disproportionate humanoid figure. It is made with large quantities of wax in which needles and some of its creator’s personal objects, such as hair or pieces cloth, are stuck. Their body is singularly susceptible to fire, which could melt it. White Moon DDiademm Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) This platinum diadem of lavish craftsmanship intensely shines with white light. It is said to be a legendary item, forged and enchanted by Anvernia herself and lost in time. It has 5 charges that can be used with a standard action, but only by a spellcaster that has spell slots of the level of the spell they want to cast. When you activate its radiant power, you can cast a spell of any level from the School of the Moon without using a spell slot. The item restores 1d2+1 charges once every new Lunar Phase. 177 New Items

UNUSUAL ITEMS FROM IÙRMEN d100 Unusual item 1. A poor-quality metal armband bearing a scrap ed incision that reads only “…ARO…” 2. A piece of dried skin, tattooed with an unknown tribal symbol 3. An embalmed mouse tail, hanging from an iron hook 4. A sheepskin bag containing a worm-eaten giant’s tooth 5. A small sphere with a moving flame inside it: it is very cold to the touch 6. A hand-sized moon, made with tree resin 7. A mirror that reflects only inanimate objects 8. An fingerless linen glove that always smells like lavender 9. A rotten lemon with nails stuck in it 10. A splintered glass eye 11. An earring shaped like Beronzin’s flute 12. A white raven feather that never falls to the ground 13. A hair from an unknown beast wrapped in a scroll 14. A candle cut in half 15. A lock of green hair 16. A broken Rizadrin horn 17. A piece of bread swarming with maggots that smells like it is fresh and never runs out 18. A tiny wing ripped from some extinct fairy: it does not seem to wither 19. An edible roll filled with someone’s finger 20. A baby tooth 21. A moth-eaten piece of silk 22. A calumet with no holes 23. A smilodon fang 24. A crystal reflecting wrong colours 25. A coin with “FALSE” written on it 26. A water flask that cannot be drunk 27. A really ugly parrot chiselled in ebony 28. An iron marble that does not roll 29. A page from a diary with a note “these are not Lagoran’s pages!” 30. An inkpot encrusted by time 31. A knife that carves only living flesh 32. A child’s diary that talks about a wretched family 33. The heel of a stiletto 34. An Ishdrim warship scale model 35. A blood-spitting bellow 36. A hand-sized wagon wheel 37. A ring of entwined white hair Witch’s handbag handbag Wondrous item, rare This handbag holds the spirit of a recently killed small animal (crow, hawk, cat, owl, frog, etc…). The spirit becomes the familiar of its liberator (the one and only), whether they are a spellcaster or not. Its type shifts to Undead and it can be summoned from the handbag in a 30 feet range or drawn back into it as a standard action. When the spectral familiar reaches 0 Hit Points, it automatically goes back into the handbag and can be summoned only after a Short Rest. The summoning of a spectral familiar dismisses any other present familiar, and no other familiar can be summoned when the spectral familiar is out of the handbag. A spectral familiar acts autonomously from you, but it will follow your orders. During a battle, it rolls its own Initiative and performs its own actions, but it cannot attack. You can share sight and hearing with it (your true self is Blinded and Deafened all the while) and telepathically communicate with it in a 100 feet range but cannot cast spells through it. If you decide to free your spectral familiar from its bond, it disappears forever, and the handbag will become a common handbag. 178 NIGHTFELL

79. A hand-sized broom 80. A disk of stone carved in eight slices 81. A calendar written on fine scroll: seven consecutive days are marked with Xs 82. A bounty for a ripper dating before the Last Sun 83. A bucket filled with dry resin 84. A drawing of the sun on a wooden board 85. Seven pages ripped from a diary 86. A pouch filled with fireproof tobacco 87. A drinking born labelled “authentic Beronzin” 88. A broken Krampus horn 89. An hourglass filled with water 90. A turtle statuette made with the bone of a Giant 91. A silvery owl skull 92. A basket with a false bottom 93. A malfunctioning mousetrap 94. A portrait that portrays whoever holds it 95. A sock filled with coal 96. A sparky whirligig 97. A manuscript named “Alchemy in the sack” 98. A fake Lagoran’s tome 99. An oyster whose pearl reappears if taken, and the taken one disappears 100.A blank book named “Wanderers of the Bloodmoon” 38. A little bell that does not sound 39. A little metallic carillon whose sound is heard only by dogs 40. A soup bowl riddles with holes 41. An iron ring with a raw incision: “A. A.” 42. A hairless brush 43. A Night Fey shaped doll 44. A rusty lock 45. A can filled with sand from a faraway place 46. A letter to a lost love, bleached in tears 47. The map of an already unearthed treasure 48. Memories of a priestess, written in an unknown language 49. A small pot 50. An unbreakable chicken egg (looks like it is empty) 51. A spice box that smells good but cannot be opened 52. A ceramic mortar 53. The blade of a dagger 54. A vial filled with menstrual blood 55. A mostly unreadable recipe for sweets 56. An ice ring that does not melt 57. Black twine 58. A mug filled with pitch 59. A wooden block with a “U” carved in it 60. Some splintered First Tongue letters carved in wood and gaudily coloured 61. A sealed bottle filled with mo ld 62. A lead box containing a still pulsing rodent heart 63. A mummified snake head in a cloth stained with blood 64. A golden necklace that turns black if touched and turns back golden if left alone 65. A lock of hair from a Krampus 66. An 8-inches puppet with severed strings 67. A goblet that cannot be filled 68. A shoulder strap with an inscription dedicated to a lover 69. A ragdoll with nails in its eyes and a name written on its back 70. A wooden box containing fingerbones numbered from 1 to 10 71. An “I owe you” note 72. A spiderweb framed in wood 73. A block of salt that does not melt in water 74. A vial of pink liquid that smells awfully 75. Some bandages stained in blood and mud that cannot be cleaned 76. An evil joker jack-in-the-box 77. A refined necklace made in fishbone 78. A necklace made with a tiny spine 179 New Items

CHAPTER EIGHT SPELLS AND RITUALS “Let thyself be guided by the Moon. May the trifold visage of the Goddess inspire and soothe thy soul yet put a blade in thy hands.” - Anvernia from Mirithrun, High Priestess of the Lunar Cult - This chapter details the spells and rituals whose power comes from the Moon. LLunnar MMagicc , 182 SSppells listed bby cclass , 183 SSppells desccripptionons , 188

THE SCHOOL OF THE MOON AND ITS VERSATILITY Not just divination, also an instrument for sorcery, illusion, death, and purification. Such is the power of the Moon and such is what the School of the Moon studies: founded by the Lunar Cult, it resumed ancient knowledge by the Old Covens on the Moon’s symbology, dated centuries before the ascension of Mirithlen. Just as some creatures of night draw strength from specific Lunar Phases, so the spells granted by the Trifold Goddess manifest in different shapes and effects, depending on what visage the Goddess is showing during her recurring cycle in the night sky. As a consequence, the School of the Moon was held apart from, and added to the most relevant schools of magic such as Transmutation, Illusion, Evocation, and the likes. Everyone has to find their own way to channel moonlight and endow their hands with power so as to master incantations both fearful and radiant. LUNAR MAGIC As told in Old Tradition writings, three is the number of those sources of power indissolubly bound to the three aspects of reality. In the Lunar Age, however, a contention of the arcane fibre between the light of the Primes and the shadow of death scars Iùrmen’s own fabric. Such eldritch mayhem gave birth to the one stable source of power, a certainty in the lives of survivors: the Moon. Mirithlen, goddess residing on the Moon and ascended to Sidìr, replaced the god Sùlen in his once capacity as bringer of warmth and light to mortals. Her power towers over anything both visible and invisible, just as the silvery moonlight reaches every corner of the Known Lands, lying on the bedding of the world. Now that the Moon affects the world itself, those who grasp its power can employ it to craft spells worthy to be inscribed in vile grimoires as in the Lunar Cult’s sacred writings. 182 NIGHTFELL

5th level spells Lunar Fortitude Lunar Pact Moondream 6th level spells Lunar Aegis Silvery Truth Droplet 7th level spells Selenite Sight 8th level spells Exile to the Frozen Waste Obfuscated Mind Selenite Domination Selenite Perfection 9th level spells Judgement from Yore Lunar Marvel Lunar Nightmare CLERIC Cantrips (0 level spells) Globe of Eclipse Instill Moonlight Trifold Goddess’s Amulet Trifold Goddess’s Gaze 1st level spells Gleam Horror Lunar Beacon Lunar Blessing Mirithlen’s Kiss Moonrain 2nd level spells Mooncloak Moonluck Moonsong of Renewal Nova Luna Plena Luna SPELLS LISTED BY CLASS The following spells belong to the School of the Moon and are to be added to the list of spells of each class as indicated. The Lunar Cultist’s list also encompasses the spells taken from the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Basic Rules to which they can resort. BARD Cantrips (0 level spells) Freezing Snare Glyph of Mirithlen Instill Moonlight Moonlit Captivation Trifold Goddess’s Amulet Trifold Goddess’s Gaze 1st level spells Gleam Horror Lunar Glamour Lunar Runes Mirithlen’s Kiss Moonrain Moonstairs 2nd level spells Blade of the Four Moons Fare for Memories Mooncloak Moonluck Moonsong of Renewal Shroud of the New Moon 3rd level spells Lunar Well Mirithlen’s Glow Selenite Litany Silver Graze 4th level spells Lunar Fascination Lunar Mirage Silver Cloak 183 Spells and Rituals

Lunar Glamour Mirithlen’s Kiss Moonrain Moonstairs 2nd level spells Blade of the Four Moons Mooncloak Nova Luna Plena Luna 3rd level spells Lunar Well Mirithlen’s Glow Moonamorphosis Silver Graze 4th level spells Banner of the Moon Goddess Moon’s Eye Silver Thunderbolt 5th level spells Command Lunar Phase Lunar Rancour 6th level spells Lunar Aegis Lunar Assault Lunar Defiance Lunar Wayfaring 7th level spells Lunar Regression Selenite Regeneration Weeping of the Goddess 8th level spells Dreadful Eclipse Lunar Blast Moon Whispers 9th level spells Lunar Meteor Selenite Projection 3rd level spells Lunar Well Mirithlen’s Glow Selenite Litany Silver Graze 4th level spells Banner of the Moon Goddess Moon’s Eye 5th level spells Lunar Fortitude Lunar Pact 6th level spells Lunar Aegis Lunar Assault Lunar Defiance Silvery Truth Droplet 7th level spells Mirithlen’s Touch of Life Temple of the Moon Weeping of the Goddess 8th level spells Exile to the Frozen Waste Lunar Blast Moon Whispers 9th level spells Lunar Retribution Selenite Projection DRUID Cantrips (0 level spells) Globe of Eclipse Instill Moonlight Silver Droplet Trifold Goddess’s Amulet Trifold Goddess’s Gaze 1st level spells Horror Lunar Beacon 184 NIGHTFELL

Lunar Rancour Selenite Weapon SORCERER Cantrips (0 level spells) Freezing Snare Globe of Eclipse Glyph of Mirithlen Moonlit Captivation Silver Droplet 1st level spells Gleam Horror Lunar Beacon Lunar Glamour Moonrain 2nd level spells Blade of the Four Moons Fare for Memories Shroud of the New Moon 3rd level spells Shield of Eclipse Silver Graze 4th level spells Lunar Mirage Silver Cloak Silver Thunderbolt 5th level spells Lunar Rancour Selenite Weapon 6th level spells Assault of the Black Moon Lunar Aegis Lunar Cage Selenite Transfiguration 7th level spells Lunar Regression Mark of the Unknowable PALADIN 1st level spells Gleam Horror Lunar Blessing Mirithlen’s Kiss 2nd level spells Mooncloak Moonsong of Renewal Plena Luna 3rd level spells Shield of Eclipse Silver Graze 4th level spells Banner of the Moon Goddess Silver Cloak 5th level spells Lunar Fortitude Lunar Pact Selenite Weapon RANGER 1st level spells Lunar Beacon Lunar Glamour Mirithlen’s Kiss Moonstairs 2nd level spells Mooncloak Moonsong of Renewal Nova Luna 3rd level spells Mirithlen’s Glow Moonamorphosis 4th level spells Silver Cloak 5th level spells Command Lunar Phase 185 Spells and Rituals

7th level spells Mark of the Unknowable 8th level spells Lunar Collapse Moon Whispers Obfuscated Mind 9th level spells Curse of the Last Moon Lunar Nightmare WIZARD Cantrips (0 level spells) Freezing Snare Globe of Eclipse Glyph of Mirithlen Instill Moonlight Moonlit Captivation Silver Droplet 1st level spells Gleam Lunar Beacon Lunar Glamour Lunar Runes Moonrain Moonstairs 2nd level spells Blade of the Four Moons Fare for Memories Mooncloak Moonluck Nova Luna Plena Luna 3rd level spells Lunar Well Shield of Eclipse Silver Graze 4th level spells Lunar Handcraft Lunar Mirage Moon’s Eye 8th level spells Exile to the Frozen Waste Lunar Collapse Selenite Domination 9th level spells Lunar Marvel Lunar Meteor Lunar Nightmare Selenite Projection WARLOCK Cantrips (0 level spells) Freezing Snare Globe of Eclipse Glyph of Mirithlen Moonlit Captivation Silver Droplet 1st level spells Gleam Horror Lunar Beacon Lunar Glamour Lunar Runes Moonrain 2nd level spells Blade of the Four Moons Fare for Memories Shroud of the New Moon 3rd level spells Shield of Eclipse 4th level spells Lunar Fascination Lunar Mirage Silver Cloak 5th level spells Lunar Pact Moondream 6th level spells Assault of the Black Moon Lunar Aegis 186 NIGHTFELL

Faerie Fire* Gleam Guiding Bolt* Healing Word* Horror Lunar Beacon Mirithlen’s Kiss Moonrain Shield of Faith* 2nd level spells Augury* Blindness/Deafness* Calm Emotions* Continual Flame* Detect Thoughts* Gentle Repose* Lesser Restoration* Locate Object* Moonbeam* Moonluck Moonsong of Renewal Warding Bond* Zone of Truth* 3rd level spells Clairvoyance* Dispel Magic* Magic Circle* Mirithlen’s Glow Protection from Energy* Remove Curse* Silver Graze Slow* Speak with Dead* Tongues* 4th level spells Banishment* Banner of the Moon Goddess Divination* Guardian of Faith* Locate Creature* Lunar Handcraft Silver Thunderbolt *Spells taken from 5th Edition Basic Rules Silver Cloak Silver Thunderbolt 5th level spells Command Lunar Phase Lunar Meteor Lunar Pact Moondream Selenite Weapon 6th level spells Assault of the Black Moon Lunar Aegis Lunar Cage Lunar Wayfaring Selenite Transfiguration Silvery Truth Droplet 7th level spells Brand of the Unknowable Lunar Regression Selenite Sight 8th level spells Exile to the Frozen Waste Lunar Collapse Obfuscated Mind Selenite Domination Selenite Perfection 9th level spells Curse of the Last Moon Lunar Marvel Lunar Nightmare Selenite Projection Silver Chronosphere LUNAR CULTIST 1st level spells Alarm* Bane* Bless* Colour Spray* Command* Detect Evil and Good* Divine Favour* 187 Spells and Rituals

The caster drops a silver coin wherever they can see within 30 feet; the coin starts to swirl at incredible speed and shines, eventually floating in mid-air, 5 feet from the ground. The coin radiates a dim light in a 5 feet radius and emits a faint, continuous hiss. A creature ending its turn within the light radius or stepping into it for the first time in a turn must roll a Wisdom Saving Throw as any creature adjacent to the coin when the spell is cast. In case of failure, the creatures have Disadvantage on Attack and Initiative Rolls until the beginning of their next turn. Grabbing the coin immediately ends the spell, but only the caster can touch it without taking 1d4 cold damage. When the spell ends, the coin disappears and reappears in the hand of the caster. Cold damage increases by 1d4 at 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), 17th level (4d4). SPELLS DESCRIPTION Spells are ordered by “spell level” and order alphabetically within that order. CANTRIPS Freezing Snare Illusion Cantrip Level: 0 Casting time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: S, M (a silver coin) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 188 NIGHTFELL

Instill Moonlight Evocation Cantrip Level: 0 Casting time: 1 action Range: touch Components: V, S (salt, or Portulaca root) Duration: 1 hour The caster touches a small item (for example, a rock, a knife, a book). Whether the spell is cast indoors or outdoors, the item is infused with moonlight and casts bright light for 10 feet and dim light for another 10 feet. Covering the item with something non-translucent obstructs its radiance. If the spell is cast during a Lunar Phase corresponding to the caster’s Birthmoon, its range increases by 30 feet for the bright light and by other 30 feet for the dim one. Also, the duration increases to 4 hours. The spell ends if cast again or if ended by the caster with a free action (blowing it out as a candle). If aimed at an item wielded or worn by a hostile creature, said creature gets a Dexterity Saving Throw to avoid the spell. Moonlit Captivation Enchantment Cantrip Level: 0 Casting time: 1 action Range: self Components: S, M (an olive tree branch or a moonstone to hold in hand while casting the spell) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute The caster can cast this spell only when the moon can be seen in the sky or through windows and such, because they assimilate lunar magic to become more eloquent. Throughout the spell’s duration, the caster has Advantage on any Charisma check towards a non-hostile humanoid. When the spell ends, the target will not realize it was under a spell; actually, it might develop a potentially (at the GM’s discretion) unhealthy affection towards the caster. GGlobe off EEclipse Necromancy Cantrip Level: 0 Casting time: 1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V, S Duration: 1 round The caster materialises an eldritch globe, designed as an eclipsing icy moon, in the space of a target creature within range. The caster can make a ranged spell attack with rays of necrotic energy spout from the globe. On a hit, the target 1d6 necrotic damage and has Disadvantage on its next Saving Throw until the beginning of the caster’s next turn. If the target is Undead, the spell automatically bypasses any resistance to necrotic damage. Damage increases by 1d6 at 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6) and 17th level (4d6). GGlyph off Mirithlen irithlen Abjuration Cantrip Level: 0 Casting time: 1 action Range: self Components: V, S Duration: 1 round The caster moves their arms around, tracing the symbol of the Moon Goddess in mid-air. The caster gains resistance to damage dealt by spells or magic weapons until the end of their next turn. 189 Spells and Rituals

TTriffold GGoddess’s GGaze Divination Cantrip Level: 0 Casting time: 1 action Range: self Components: S Duration: 1 round A pale halo crowns the caster, while their eyes shine with white light. Their bond with lunar energy grants them accuracy and courage. The caster has Advantage on the next Attack Roll they make before the end of their turn. 1ST LEVEL SPELLS Gleam Divination Level: 1 Casting time: 1 minute Range: self Components: V, S Duration: 8 hours The caster radiates a dim mystic luminescence for the duration of the spell. They have Advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks but have Disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. The caster can end the spell as a free action at any moment. Horror Necromancy Level: 1 Casting time: 1 action Range: self Components: V, S Duration: 10 minutes Moonlight unveils the inner horror of the caster to whomever can see them. Creatures that are immune to the Frightened condition cannot be affected by this spell. The caster has Advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks for the duration of the spell. The caster can end the spell at any moment to choose a target they established eye Silver Droplet Conjuration Cantrip Level: 0 Casting time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: instantaneous The caster makes their hand gleam with white light and flings a tiny sphere of light at a creature they can see to transmit their brightness. The target must make a successful Dexterity Saving Throw or take 1d8 radiant damage and be surrounded by silvery light until the end of its next turn; as long as it is illuminated as such, the target cannot hide nor become invisible, and it is revealed if already invisible. The caster can radiate an additional sphere of light, either against the same target or another, at 5th level (2 spheres), another one at 11th level (3 spheres), and another one at 17th level (4 spheres). TTriffold GGoddess’s AAmmulet Transmutation Cantrip Level: 0 Casting time: 10 minutes Range: touch Components: S, M (a necklace or some twine) Duration: 8 hours The caster draws strength from lunar energies to transmute the material component in a replica of Mirithlen’s own necklace. The item displays a flaunting amethyst and can be worn or held to have Advantage on the next Intelligence (Investigation), Wisdom (Insight) or Wisdom (Perception) checks, if based on sight. When all three checks are made, the effect ends even within duration. When the spell ends, the item turns back to its original look. Only one item at a time can be enchanted by the same caster. 190 NIGHTFELL

contact with and have it roll a Wisdom Saving Throw. If it fails, the target becomes Frightened for one minute. At the end of its turn, the target rerolls its Saving Throw to end the effect immediately. Lunar Beacon Evocation Level: 1 Casting time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V Duration: instantaneous Moonlight shines over a 20 feet area, revealing invisible items and creatures and inflicting them 2d4 radiant damage. Target creatures can make a Dexterity Saving Throw to avoid being revealed and to halve damage. Undead, Fiends and Aberrations automatically fail the Saving Throw. At higher levels: when the spell is cast using a 2nd level slot or higher, damage increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st. LLunar BBlessing lessing (ritual) Abjuration Level: 1 Casting time: 1 hour Range: touch Components: V, S, M (25 gp of incense that gets depleted during the ritual) Duration: until the end of the current Lunar Phase The caster performs a ritual permeated by Moon’s power. Once the ritual is finished, one target that the caster can see within 10 feet benefits from the Moon’s blessing and adds 1d4 to the result of every Saving Throw until the end of the current Lunar Phase. At higher levels: when the spell is cast using a 2nd level slot or higher, it affects an additional target.

Mirithlen irithlen’s KKiss Evocation Level: 1 Casting time: 1 action Range: touch Components: V, S Duration: instantaneous This spell can only be cast directly under the moonlight. The caster touches a creature, and it regains an amount of hit points depending on the current Lunar Phase. • New Moon: 1d6 + Caster’s Primary Ability modifier • Ascending or Descending Moon: 1d8 + Caster’s Primary Ability modifier • Full Moon: 1d10 + Caster’s Primary Ability modifier Constructs and Undead are not affected by this spell. At higher levels: when the spell is cast using a 2nd level slot or higher, The amount of hit points healed increase by one die (1d6/1d8/1d10, depending on the Lunar Phase) for each slot level above 2nd. Moonrain Conjuration Level: 1 Casting time: 1 action Range: 10 feet Components: V Duration: instantaneous The caster conjures a 10 feet radius ray of light descending from above upon themselves. Any target within range takes 1d6 radiant and 1d6 piercing damage (Saving Throw on Dexterity halves). Those failing the Saving Throw are also blinded and deafened until the end of the caster’s turn. At higher levels: when the spell is cast using a 2nd level slot or greater, radiant damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st. LLunar GGlammour Enchantment Level: 1 Casting time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a small white stone) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute One creature that the caster can see within 30 feet is compelled to stare at the moon, even if it is clouded or stared at from indoors or underground. The target must make a successful Wisdom Saving Throw, or it freezes in awe, its eyes set to the moon or where it thinks it should be and it is Incapacitated throughout the spell’s duration. The target can reroll its Saving Throw at the end of each of its turns or if taking damage (in which case, it has Advantage on the Saving Throw): a successful roll immediately ends the effect of the spell. Lunar Runes Illusion Level: 1 Casting time: 1 minute Range: touch Components: S, M (10 gp of ink that gets depleted by the spell) Duration: 100 days The caster inscribes up to 100 words on a scroll or a comparable surface to imbue it with Lunar Phase magic. The inscription disappears once finished and can only be revealed by the spell True Sight or by the moonlight of the same Lunar Phase during which it was inscribed. 192 NIGHTFELL

the end of the current turn. • Descending Moon: the weapon deals 2d6 cold damage in place of the 2d6 radiant damage; the weapon can be thrown and hits every target in a 60 feet long and 2 inches wide line: targets must make a successful Dexterity Saving Throw, or they take the weapon’s damage. If they succeed, they take half the damage instead. At higher levels: when the spell is cast using a 3rd level slot or higher, damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd. Fare ffor Memmories Enchantment Level: 2 Casting time: 1 action Range: 100 feet Components: V, S, M (a silver coin the caster gifts to the target) Duration: instantaneous The caster gifts a silver coin, imbued with the Moon’s benign influence, to an unaware target. The target must make a Wisdom Saving Throw. In case of failure, the caster can choose an effect among the following: • The target forgets one of its prepared or known spells of 3rd level or lower until it takes a Long Rest • The target forgets the events of the last 2d6 minutes. It keeps only vague sensations and feelings (anger, fear, sadness) related to its lost memories. It would be receptive to any explanation about the blank, though. • The caster has access to a specific memory of the target in the form of a mental image which lasts about 6 seconds. The image is flawed in minor details and filtered through the target’s perspective, but it is reliable enough in its major features. The target does not forget said memory in the process. The target whose Saving Throw failed has no clue as to the spell it was under or its effects, but lack of plausible explanation regarding its momentary confusion would arouse suspicion. At higher levels: when the spell is cast using a 3rd level slot or higher, it affects one additional target every 2 slot levels above 2nd (the caster still has to give a silver coin to each of the new targets). Moonstairs Transmutation Level: 1 Casting time: 1 bonus action Range: self Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute The caster can climb or walk on moonlight, though it must be considered as Difficult Terrain. At higher levels: when the spell is cast using a 3rd level slot or higher, duration increases to 1 hour. If the spell is cast with a 5th level slot or higher, the spell does not require Concentration. 2ND LEVEL SPELLS BBlade off the Four Moons Transmutation Level: 2 Casting time: 1 bonus action Range: self Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute The caster seizes a moon ray and solidifies it in a sharp blade. The blade lasts throughout the duration of the spell: it is a simple weapon the caster is Proficient with. It deals 2d6 radiant damage and has the Light, Finesse and Ranged (20/60 feet range). If the weapon is thrown or dropped it disappears and reappears in the hand of the caster at the beginning of their next turn, if they have at least one free hand, otherwise the spell ends. The weapon gains special properties based on the current Lunar Phase: • New Moon: the weapon deals 4d6 necrotic damage in place of the 2d6 radiant damage. • Ascending Moon: any successful attack dealt with the weapon deals damage to an additional target in a 5 feet radius; said damage equals half the damage dealt to the primary target. • Full Moon: any successful attack gives the caster 2d6 Temporary Hit Points and the target is Blinded until 193 Spells and Rituals

Moonsong oonsong off RRenewwal (ritual) Evocation Level: 2 Casting time: 1 action Range: 20 feet Components: V Duration: instantaneous This spell must be cast under direct moonlight. Creatures within the range of effect can spend up to 1 Hit Dice to recover as many Hit Points as the result of the roll, plus the caster’s primary ability modifier. At higher levels: when the spell is cast using a 3rd level slot or higher, the maximum amount of expendable Hit Dice increases by 1 for every two slot levels above the 2nd. Nova Luna Evocation Level: 2 Casting time: 1 action Range: self Components: V, M (a pearl and a black velvet sack) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes The caster creates a sphere of semi-darkness in a 30 feet radius around them, lasting throughout the duration of the spell. The magical semi-darkness spreads around corners. Any natural source of light within the spell radius will radiate only a dim light. Magical lights created by 2nd level spells or lower do the same. Also, any effect depending on Lunar Phases will count as in the New Moon Phase within the spell radius. On the other hand, if the spell is cast during the New Moon Lunar Phase, the semi-darkness becomes magical darkness which obfuscates any kind of normal sight (even Darkvision) except the caster’s. Sources of light, whether natural or deriving from a 2nd level spell or lower cannot penetrate this darkness. This spell does not work during the Full Moon Phase. Mooncloak Abjuration Level: 2 Casting time: 1 action Range: touch Components: V, S, M (a silver pendant worth at least 50 gp) Duration: 1 hour The target is protected by the reflection of moonlight for the duration of the spell. Thus, they get a +1 bonus to AC and Saving Throws. If the spell is cast during the Lunar Phase corresponding to the Birthmoon of the caster, any bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that the target takes is reduced by 1. At higher levels: when the spell is cast using a 3rd level slot or higher, the slashing, bludgeoning and piercing damage that the target takes is reduced by 1 for each slot level above 2nd (up to 5th or 6th level). Moonluck Divination Level: 2 Casting time: 1 minute Range: 10 feet Components: V, S, M (a silver cup worth at least 100 gp) Duration: 1 hour The caster pleads the Moon to bestow her fortune upon a consenting creature that the caster can see. When a creature under the effects of this spell makes an Attack Roll, a Saving Throw or an Ability check, they may choose to reroll and keep either result. Once this is done, the spell effect ends immediately. At higher levels: when the spell is cast using a 4th level slot or higher, it affects one additional target every 2 slot levels above 2nd (two targets at 4th, three targets at 6th, four targets at 8th). 194 NIGHTFELL

3RD LEVEL SPELLS LLunar Well (ritual) Divination Level: 3 Casting time: 10 minutes Range: unlimited Components: V, S, M (a body of water large enough to reflect the moon, candles, and incense worth 100 gp consumed by the spell) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes The caster channels the magic of the Moon toward a body of water, turning it into a window overlooking one of the places where they performed the same ritual previously, and through this window it is possible to see and communicate; people, objects and spells cannot pass through the Lunar well in either direction. At the first attempt to celebrate this ritual, the body of water will reflect nothing more than the absolute blackness of the dark face of the Moon; the same result will happen if the previously used body of water has been broken or dried up. Lunamorphosis Transmutation Level: 3 Casting time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a glass marble) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour The caster makes a creature, and everything it wears and carries, translucent and ethereal, visible only if directly touched by the moonlight, from which it takes effect. As long as it ends the turn illuminated by the moonlight, the target gets 2d6 Temporary Hit Points and ignores any penalty deriving from Difficult terrain, provided that this too is illuminated by the Moon. When not illuminated by the moonlight, the target gets a +5 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks and ignores the Disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks based on sight in areas of darkness or dim light. At higher levels: if the spell is cast using a 4th level spell slot or higher, the Temporary Hit Points increase by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd. Plena Luna Evocation Level: 2 Casting time: 1 action Range: self Components: V, M (a pearl and a white silk sack) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes The caster creates a sphere of silvery light in a 30 feet radius around her, lasting throughout the duration of the spell. The magical light spread around corners. The sphere itself is made of blinding light and radiates a dim light in a 30 feet radius. Magical sources of darkness created by 2nd level spells cannot obfuscate or remove this light. Also, any effect depending on Lunar Phases will count as in the Full Moon Phase within the spell radius. If the spell is cast during the Full Moon Lunar Phase, the casting of the spell instantly extinguishes any other source of light, whether natural or magical (2nd level spell or lower), in a 300 feet radius. This spell does not work during the New Moon Lunar Phase. SShroud off the NNeww Moon Necromancy Level: 2 Casting time: 1 minute Range: touch Components: V, S, M (a tooth from an Undead and ritualistic ointments worth at least 100 gp that get depleted by the spell) Duration: 1 day A consenting target creature assumes the looks of an Undead for the duration of the spell. The target becomes immune to disease, poison and ignores the effects of the first five levels of Exhaustion (the sixth still causes death) and cannot be turned into an Undead by any spell or comparable feature. It does not age and does not need to feed or breathe. The target will be identified as Undead by any spell or comparable capability and will be seen as such by other creatures. Creatures with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher can roll a Wisdom (Insight) check against your spell saved DC to realize it is not really Undead. 195 Spells and Rituals

throw or take 1d6 radiant damage and 1d6 cold damage (a successful save halves the damage). At higher levels: if the spell is cast using a 4th level spell slot or higher, the cold damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd. Silver Touch Necromancy Level: 3 Casting time: 1 action Range: self Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute The caster's hands glow with moonlight and radiate a faint warmth. During their turn, as an action, the caster can touch a consenting creature (other than themselves) and transfer vital energies from their own body to the target’s. The caster takes necrotic damage equal to 1d6 plus their spellcasting ability modifier, while the target recovers an amount of Hit Points equal to twice the damage taken by the caster; any Hit Points in excess are acquired by the target as Temporary Hit Points At higher levels: if the spell is cast using a 4th level spell slot or higher, necrotic damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd. 4TH LEVEL BBanner off the Moon GGoddess Conjuration Level: 4 Casting time: 1 action Range: self Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Above the caster's head is a miniature Moon, 1 foot in diameter, similar to a halo, radiating dim light into a 60 feet wide sphere. When a creature enters the illuminated area for the first time on its turn, or begins its turn within it, it must make a successful Charisma Saving Throw or suffer an effect based on the caster’s Birthmoon. If the current Lunar Phase matches the Birthmoon of the caster, every Aberration, Fiend or Undead have Disadvantage on the Saving Throw against this spell: Mirithlen irithlen’s GGloww Evocation Level: 3 Casting time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Running time: 1 hour Tenuous but constant moonlight radiates within a radius of 60 feet from either the caster or an object touched by them: the light is to be considered dim light. Invisible objects and creatures illuminated by the dim light of this spell are revealed and cannot become invisible while inside the area. Selenite Litany Illusion Level: 3 Casting time: 1 action Range: 120 feet Components: S, M (a pebble painted white) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute The caster summons a hypnotic lunar disk into the sky, capable of imprisoning in its glow any target within a 20ft cube, provided they can see the disk. Each target creature must make a successful Wisdom Saving Throw or become Charmed and have movement equal to 0 feet while Charmed. For the duration of the spell, the caster cannot move voluntarily from their position and must continue to sustain the magic of the spell with their own voice. SShield off EEclipse Conjuration Level: 3 Casting time: 1 action Range: self Components: V, S, M (a small mirror) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute The icy darkness of the eclipsing Moon envelops the body of the caster in a protective aura. When the caster is attacked in melee, the attacker must make a successful Wisdom Saving 196 NIGHTFELL

LLunar HHandcrafft Transmutation Level: 4 Casting time: 10 minutes (1 minute during Full Moon) Range: 120 feet Components: V, S, M (a circular mirror with a diameter of at least 3 feet, or an equally large pool of fresh water with 50 gp worth of silver powder poured in it and consumed by the spell). Duration: instantaneous This spell cannot be cast during a New Moon Phase, but a Full Moon Phase decreases the casting time to 1 minute. The caster manipulates the reflected moonlight in the mirror and materializes a physical object. The caster can create a large or smaller object that can fit in a 10 feet cube. The created object is raw and barely detailed and appears composed of translucent glass that radiates a faint brightness of obvious magical nature. This spell cannot craft creatures or magical objects. Items requiring a higher degree of craftsmanship such as jewelry, weapons, glass, or armor can only be created if the caster has Proficiency in the tools used to make that kind of object. The object vanishes when the Moon sets. Lunar Mirage Illusion Level: 4 Casting time: 10 minutes Range: 300 feet Components: V, S, M (a pearl, a stone, and a glass marble) Duration: 24 hours The caster projects the illusion of an open-air landscape, such as a meadow, clearing or beach, in the shape of a 150 feet cube. No creatures are visible in the mirage you create, but you can hear sounds that suggest their presence. The Moon is high in the sky in the Lunar Phase chosen by the caster. To reveal its illusory nature, any creature that begins its turn within the mirage must make an Intelligence (Investigation) check with difficulty equal to the caster’s spell save DC. To anyone who fails the Saving Throw, the Lunar Phase represented in the mirage is to be considered as the current Lunar Phase. • New Moon: the target takes 4d10 necrotic damage and one level of Exhaustion; at the end of the spell each level of exhaustion caused by this spell is removed • Ascending Moon: the target takes 4d6 fire damage and is blinded; Blinded condition is removed when the target exits the area of effect • Full Moon: the target takes 4d10 radiant damage and is revealed if invisible; the target cannot teleport, become invisible or incorporeal, move to another plane, or change shape until it leaves the area of effect • Descending Moon: the target takes 4d8 cold damage and its speed is halved; the effect lasts until the target leaves the area of effect Lunar Fascination Enchantment Level: 4 Casting time: 1 action Range: 15 feet Components: V, S, M (a white pebble and a pearl) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute The caster uses the magic of the Moon to charm their enemies. Each creature standing in 15 feet radius sphere around the caster Must make a successful Wisdom Saving Throw or be Charmed and have Disadvantage on Saving Throws to resist the spells of the caster, including this one. If the target takes damage or ends its turn more than 20 feet away from the caster, it can repeat the Saving Throw against the spell, ending the effect. At higher levels: if the spell is cast using a 5th level spell slot or higher, range increases by 5 feet for each slot level above 4th. 197 Spells and Rituals

Silver Thunderbolt Conjuration Level: 4 Casting time: 1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V, S, M (a silver and sapphire pendant worth 150 gp) Duration: instantaneous A beam of pure lunar energy descends from above and hits the target and any creature in a 15 feet long cone behind it. Anyone affected must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or take 1d8 lightning damage and 2d8 radiant damage; a successful save halves the damage. In addition, depending on the current Lunar Phase, the spell has an additional effect: • New Moon: the spell deals 5d8 additional necrotic damage (also halved on a successful Saving Throw) • Ascending Moon: the spell deals 3d8 additional fire damage (also halved on a successful Saving Throw); flames can spread to flammable objects that are not held or worn • Full Moon: the spell deals 5d8 additional radiant damage (also halved on a successful Saving Throw) • Descending Moon: the spell deals 3d8 additional cold damage (also halved on a successful Saving Throw); targets that fail the Saving Throw cannot take Reactions until the beginning of their next turn. At higher levels: if the spell is cast using a 5th level spell slot or higher, lightning damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th. Moon’s EEye Divination Level: 4 Casting time: 1 action Range: self Components: V, S, M (a pearl worth 50 gp, which is consumed) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour The caster invokes the help of the Moon to acquire the view that they would see from the top of it: by spending an action, the caster can see any spot under the open sky that is within 60 miles of their position. If the Lunar Phase is New Moon, the caster can see as though they had Darkvision, and True Sight if it is Full Moon. In any other Phase, they can see invisible objects or creatures. As long as they look through the Moon, the caster is considered blind and deaf concerning their usual senses. Silver Cloak Abjuration Level: 4 Casting time: 1 action Range: touch Components: V, S, M (pearl powder worth at least 100 gp, consumed by the spell) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour The caster's touch turns the skin of a consenting target into a silvery, reflective substance: for the duration of the spell, the target has Advantage on Saving Throws against spells. 198 NIGHTFELL

The caster can modify the current Lunar Phase in a 1-milewide area centered on themselves. The caster chooses which Lunar Phase appears in the sky and, for the duration of the spell, that Lunar Phase will affect any creature or object in the area. If the Moon sets while the spell is active, the spell ends. At higher levels: if the spell is cast using a 6th level slot, the duration increases to 8 hours; if it is cast using a 7th level slot, the duration increases to 24 hours and the moonset does not end the spell; if it is cast using an 8th level slot, the duration increases to 7 days, the moonset does not end the spell, and the caster does not have to keep Concentration; if it is cast using a 9th level slot, the duration becomes permanent (until dispelled) and the caster does not have to keep Concentration. 5TH LEVEL CCommmmand Moon PPhase Transmutation Level: 5 Casting time: 1 action Range: 600 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour 199 Spells and Rituals

Lunar Rancour Necromancy Level: 5 Casting time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute A gloomy and oppressive light radiates from the Moon and envelops a target creature in the field of view of the caster within 30 feet The target must make a successful Dexterity saving throw or take 4d8 radiant damage. Each turn, the caster can use their bonus action to automatically deal another 2d8 radiant damage to the target. The spell ends when the caster uses their own bonus action to do anything other than inflict automatic damage, if the target exits the spell range, or if the caster casts another spell of 1st level or higher. If the target succeeds in its initial Saving Throw, it takes 2d8 radiant damage all the same, but the spell ends. At higher levels: if the spell is cast using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the target takes, added to the initial damage, 1d8 additional radiant damage (both succeeding or failing in its Saving Throw) for each slot level above 5th. Moondream Illusion Level: 5 Casting time: 1 minute Range: self Components: V, S, M (a handful of sand, mercury-based ink) Duration: 8 hours The caster chooses a creature known to them and that is on the same plane of existence and turns the target’s dreams into nightmares (creatures that do not sleep, such as elves, are not affected by this spell). The caster enters a state of trance in which they are aware of what happens around them but without being able to perform actions or move. If the target lies asleep at the time of the casting the spell, the caster appears in the target's dream, modifying it at will and conversing with it until the spell is over or until the target wakes up. The caster can end the spell at any time by exiting the trance. The target must make a successful Wisdom Saving Throw or the nightmare will not allow it to gain the Lunar Fortitude Abjuration Level: 5 Casting time: 1 action Range: self Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes The spell wraps the caster in a cloak of light that radiates a faint glow. For the duration of the spell, the caster is immune to psychic damage and has Advantage on all Saving Throws. When another creature that the caster can see within 30 feet fails a Saving Throw, the caster can use a Reaction to allow the creature to repeat the Saving Throw. Lunar Pact Enchantment Level: 5 Casting time: 1 minute Range: touch Components: V Duration: 30 days Illuminated by the moonlight, the caster touches two consenting creatures and establishes a pact between them. The terms of the pact must be clear and understood by both targets, and the task to be accomplished, although not necessarily simple, must be feasible, otherwise the spell ceases to have effect. For the duration of the spell, if one of the two targets breaks the pact, they take 5d10 psychic damage per day until they obtain forgiveness from the other creature. Spells such as remove curse, greater restoration, or wish can end the spell. At higher levels: if the spell is cast using a 7th or 8th level spell slot, the duration increases to one year; if the slot used is 9th level, the spell becomes permanent. 200 NIGHTFELL

(ENG) D&D 5a Ed. - Nightfell - Corebook - Flip eBook Pages 151-200 (2024)
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