(ENG) D&D 5a Ed. - Nightfell - Corebook - Flip eBook Pages 101-150 (2024)

NEW CLASSES The classes listed below are to be considered original classes, in addition to those of the most famous role-playing game in the world and are conceived according to Nightfell's lore. The options we propose can help you identify more with the discovery of the occult world of Iùrmen, experimenting with skills in line with the atmospheres of this setting. LUNAR CULTIST In the darkness of sunless days there is nothing but sadness and solitude, but as the sky is enlightened, the night comes back and with it, Mirithlen. May the Moon be a guide and be benevolent in her new phase. We Cultists are her tools, and her pale light is our shield against darkness. Soldiers devoted to the cult of Mirithlen and experts in Lunar Divination and in the exorcism of night creatures. These cultists, forged by severe training and inspired by the power of the Trifold Goddess, can rely on incredible powers that draw their strength from the influence of the Moon on the Material Plane. CLASS FEATURES As a Lunar Cultist, you gain the following class features: Hit Points Hit Dice: 1d10 per Lunar Cultist level Hit Points at 1st level: 10 + Constitution modifier Hit Points at higher levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Lunar Cultist level after 1st Multiclass ulticlass RRequiremments Strength 13, Wisdom 13 Proficiencies Armor: light armor, medium armor, shields Weapons: all simple weapons Tools: herbalism kit, alchemist’s supplies Saving Throws: Strength and Wisdom Skills: choose two from Arcana, Intimidation, Insight, Investigating, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion, History

Level Proficiency bonus Features Spells known Spell slots per spell level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st +2 Devout Protector (1), Will of the Moon, Lunar Oath - 2nd +2 Fighting Style - 3rd +2 Spells, Lunar magic initate 2 2 4th +2 Ability score improvement, Lunar Divination 3 3 5th +3 Extra Attack (I) 3 3 6th +3 Oath Feature 3 3 7th +3 Steadfast Devotion 4 4 2 8th +3 Ability score improvement, Accurate Divination 5 4 2 9th +4 Silvery Gaze 5 4 2 10th +4 Devout Protector (1), Oath Feature 6 4 3 11th +4 Renewed Faith (1) 7 4 3 12th +4 Ability score improvement 7 4 3 13th +5 Stern Inquisitor 8 4 3 2 14th +5 Extra Attack (II) 9 4 3 2 15th +5 Secure Divination 9 4 3 2 16th +5 Ability score improvement, Selenite Touch 10 4 3 3 17th +6 Devout Protector (1), Oath Feature 10 4 3 3 18th +6 Renewed Faith (1d4) 10 4 3 3 19th +6 Ability score improvement 10 4 3 3 1 20th +6 Unchallenged Devotion 12 4 3 3 1 EQUIPMENT You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: • (a) any simple weapon or (b) any martial weapon (if Proficient) • (a) leather armor or (b) scale mail or (c) chainmail (if Proficient) • (a) a shield or (b) any simple weapon • (a) a priest’s pack or (b) an abjurer’s pack 102 NIGHTFELL

Dueling When you wield a melee weapon in one hand without wielding any other weapons, you get a +2 bonus on that weapon’s damage rolls. Protection When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you within 5 feet, you can use your Reaction to make that creature's Attack Roll have Disadvantage. To use this feature, you must hold a shield. Archery You get a +2 bonus on Attack Rolls with ranged weapons. SPELLS At 3rd level, gifted with the power of the divine lunar essence, you can cast spells to shape that essence as you please. Spell slots: the Lunar Cultist table shows how many spell slots you can cast your 1st level or higher Lunar Cultist spells. To cast these spells, you must spend a spell slot of the same spell level or higher. All spell slots spent are recovered when a long rest is completed. For example, if the 1st level blessing spell falls within your known spells, and you have 1st level slot and a 2nd level slot, that spell can be cast using any of the two slots. Known spells of 1st level and above: you know two 1st level spells of your choice from the Lunar Cultist's spell list. The Spells Known column in the Lunar Cultist table shows when additional spells of your choice can be learned. Each of these spells must be of a level in which you have spell slots. For example, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn a new 1st or 2nd level spell. In addition, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose to replace one known Lunar Cultist spell with another spell from the Lunar Cultist spell list, as long as the new spell is of a level in which you have spell slots. Spellcasting ability: your spellcasting ability is Wisdom is, as your magic comes from how intensely you perceive the influence of moonlight. Take your Wisdom score as a reference when a spell mentions the spellcasting ability. Use your Wisdom modifier to determine the Difficulty Class (DC) of Saving Throws for Lunar Cultist spells cast or used to attack. SACRED SOLDIERS OF THE LUNAR CULT Lunar Cultists constitute the Lunar Cult militia, and their main purpose is to expand the influence of their faith and drive back into the darkness any Aberration they encounter in their path or that may threaten the sacredness of their mission. They strenuously oppose the forces of the Dark Mirror and have learned throughout their careers to channel the energy of the different phases of the Moon against their enemies. DEVOUT PROTECTOR At 1st level, you learn the thaumaturgy and resistance cantrips. You also gain the ability to cast shield of faith without consuming spell slots once (twice at 10th level and three times three at 17th level), and you regain each use you spent after you complete a long rest (your spellcasting ability for these spells is Wisdom). WILL OF THE MOON At 1st level, during the Lunar Phase corresponding to your Birthmoon, your maximum Soul Points increase by 2 per Lunar Cultist level. LUNAR OATH At 1st level, you choose a Lunar Oath corresponding to your Birthmoon. This oath gives you new features to the 1st, 6th, 10th, and 17th level (see below). FIGHTING STYLE At 2nd level, you adopt a particular fighting style as your specialty, focusing on a category of weapons of choice from those listed below. You cannot choose the same option more than once. GGreat wweapon ffighting ighting When you get 1 or 2 in a dice roll to determine the damage of an attack made with a two-handed melee weapon, you repeat the roll and use the new result, even if it is a 1 or 2 again. The weapon must have the Two Handed or Versatile properties for the Lunar Cultist to benefit from this feature. Defense As long as you wear armor, you get a +1 bonus to your AC. 103 Adventurers of the night

SILVERY GAZE At 9th level, you can use your bonus action to see invisible creatures within 30 feet. This effect lasts for 1 minute, and you can use it a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), and you regain each use you spent after you complete a long rest. RENEWED FAITH At 11th level, when you cast shield of faith with the Devout Protector feature, you regain 1 Soul Point. At 18th level, you regain 1d4 Soul Points instead. STERN INQUISITOR At 13th level, you have Advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks and Intelligence (Investigation) checks, as well as on Saving Throws against Illusion. SECURE DIVINATION At 15th level, during a Lunar Divination, you can reject the result of the first dice roll and repeat it. Only the result of the second roll will be considered for the purposes of Divination. SELENITE TOUCH At 16th level, the first creature you strike on each of your turns loses its invisibility (if any) and must make a successful Charisma Saving Throw (against your spell save DC) or be surrounded by a silver halo. This silver halo prevents the target from becoming invisible or incorporeal, teleporting or leaving the plane on which it is located, and taking an alternative form. The silver halo lasts until the end of your next turn. UNCHALLENGED DEVOTION At 20th level, when you cast shield of faith with the Devout Protector feature, your Concentration on this spell cannot be lost due to the damage you take. Saving Throw DC= 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier Spell attack modifier= your Proficiency Bonus + your Wisdom Modifier LUNAR MAGIC INITIATE At 3rd level, you gain additional known spells depending on your Lunar Oath. These spells are always considered Consecrated when cast by a Lunar Cultist. EFFICIENT DIVINATION At 4th level, you can perform Lunar Divinations by spending a spell slot of 1st level or higher, instead of 2nd level or higher. ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT At 4th level, and again at the 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th levels, you can increase an ability score by 2, or increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As usual, you cannot bring an ability above 20 through this feature. If you implement the optional feats rule, you can give up this feature and choose a feat instead. EXTRA ATTACK At 5th level, you can perform two attacks, instead of one, when performing an Attack action on your turn. At 14th level, your attacks increase to three. STEADFAST DEVOTION At 7th level, when you roll for Initiative, you can use your Reaction to cast shield of faith on yourself with the Devout Protector feature, as long as you are not surprised. ACCURATE DIVINATION At 8th level, you grow in your mastery and knowledge of the divination arts related to the Moon: when practicing Lunar Divination during your Lunar Phase, you can roll 1d10 for Lunar Divination instead of 1d8. A result of 9 or 10 indicates that you can choose a result as you like. 104 NIGHTFELL

OOath off the AAscending scending Moon When you choose this archetype, you gain Proficiency in two skills or tools of your choice and learn the guidance cantrip. The Ascending Moon comprises the Crescent Moon, First Quarter, and Waxing Gibbous Moments. Lantern in the Night At 1st level, while under the effect of a shield of faith spell cast with the Devout Protector feature, you get a +1 bonus to all Skill Checks and Saving Throws. Expert Moon At 6th level, you choose two skills or tools in which you are Proficient: you gain expertise with the chosen skills or tools, meaning your Proficiency bonus is doubled for any test carried out using the skills or tools chosen. Silver Sentinel At 10th level, while under the effect of a shield of faith spell cast with the Devout Protector feature, you cannot be surprised, and you also add your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) to Initiative rolls. In addition, the Lunar Cultist can benefit from Steadfast Devotion even if surprised. Shining Explosion At 17th level, while under the effect of a shield of faith spell cast with the Devout Protector feature, when you, or an ally of yours whom you can see within 30 feet, has to make a Saving Throw, you can use your Reaction to end shield of faith: if you do, you and any ally within 30 feet get a bonus to Saving Throws equal to your Wisdom modifier until the beginning of your next turn. Lunar Magic Initiate: the following spells are added to spells known by the Lunar Cultist and are always considered Sacred. 1st - charm person 2nd - aid 3rd - tongues 4th - arcane eye LUNAR OATHS Each Lunar Cultist is particularly devoted to their Birthmoon. Their spiritual connection to the satellite's influence is such that it confers unique powers that refer to the various meanings attributed to that specific Lunar Phase. OOath off the NNeww Moon When you choose this archetype, you gain Proficiency in all martial weapons and learn the globe of eclipse cantrip (see Chapter 8). Excruciating Flare At 1st level, while under the effect of a shield of faith spell cast with the Devout Protector feature, each time a melee attack hits you, you can use your Reaction to deal 1d6 radiant damage back to the attacker. Ruthless Moon At 6th level, any weapon attack you make against Aberrations, Fiends or Undead is considered a Critical Hit with a natural roll of 19 or 20. Scorching Flare At 10th level, Excruciating Flare damage increases to 1d12. New Moon’s Wreckage At 17th level, while under the effect of a shield of faith spell cast with the Devout Protector feature, you can use a bonus action to end shield of faith: : if you do, you can deal an additional 2d12 radiant damage the next time you hit with a melee weapon attack within 1 minute. Lunar Magic initiate: the following spells are added to spells known by the Lunar Cultist and are always considered Sacred. 1st - hellish rebuke 2nd - spiritual weapon 3rd - spirit guardians 4th - fire shield 105 Adventurers of the night

OOath off the DDescending escending Moon When you choose this archetype, you gain Proficiency in all martial weapons and learn the glyph of Mirithlen cantrip (see Chapter 8). The Descending Moon comprises the Waning Crescent, Last Quarter and Waning Gibbous Moments. Night Haze At 1st level, while under the effect of a shield of faith spell cast with the Devout Protector feature, your speed increases by 10 feet and you ignore difficult terrain. Elusive Moon At 6th level, every round, the first Opportunity Attack made against you automatically misses. Shadow on the Moon At 10th level, while under the effect of a shield of faith spell cast with the Devout Protector feature, your speed increases by another 10 feet, you have Advantage on the first weapon attack you make between the casting of the spell and the end of its duration. Purifying Veil At 17th level, while under the effect of a shield of faith spell cast with the Devout Protector feature, you can use a bonus action to end shield of faith: if you do, you can remove a negative condition that afflicts a creature of your choice within 10 feet. Lunar Magic Initiate: the following spells are added to spells known by the Lunar Cultist and are always considered Sacred. 1st - disguise self 2nd - misty step 3rd - blink 4th - freedom of movement OOath off the Full Moon A Lunar Cultist who chooses this archetype gains Proficiency in heavy armor and learns the blade ward cantrip. Light of Life At 1st level, when you cast a shield of faith spell on yourself cast with the Devout Protector feature, you gain 2d6 Temporary Hit Points. These Temporary Hit Points are lost if shield of faith ends. Resolute Moon At 6th level, maximum Hit Points and Soul Points increase by 1 per Lunar Cultist level. Beacon in the Dark At 10th level, while under the effect of a shield of faith spell cast with the Devout Protector feature, you can spend a spell slot as a bonus action to heal yourself and all allies within 30 feet of an amount of Hit Points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) per spell level. Vortex of Life At 17th level, while under the effect of a shield of faith spell cast with the Devout Protector feature, you can use a bonus action to end shield of faith: if you do, you heal every ally of yours within 30 feet for an amount of Hit Points equal to twice your Wisdom modifier (min 1). In addition, you regain an amount of Hit Points equal to the total of Hit Points healed to your allies with this feature. Example: a Lunar Cultist with Wisdom 16 (+3) heals three allies for 6 Hit Points and themselves by 18 Hit Points. Lunar Magic Initiate: the following spells are added to spells known by the Lunar Cultist and are always considered Sacred. 1st - shield 2nd - mirror image 3rd - mass healing word 4th - death ward 106 NIGHTFELL

107 Adventurers of the night

MASTER OF TRADITION There are many legends that enrich the history of the Ages, but few are those who safeguard every secret. Those who have had the honour of accessing the immense libraries of the Old Tradition bring along the mere experiences of countless peoples and cultures and aspire to hand down the memories of their travels. The Masters of Tradition are widely respected as the sole custodians of humanistic doctrines, whether they are unlikely myths or accurate historical accounts. Their thirst for knowledge is second only to their dedication and desire to put into practice, or to touch with their hands, what they have spent years reading about in the tomes of ancient knowledge. CLASS FEATURES As a Master of Tradition, you gain the following class features: Hit Points Hit Dice: 1d6 per Master of Tradition level Hit Points at 1st level: 6 + Constitution modifier Hit Points at higher levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Master of Tradition level after 1st MULTICLASS REQUIREMENTS: Intelligence 13, Wisdom 13 Proficiencies Armor: light armor Weapons: quarterstaff, dagger, light crossbow, sling, club Tools: calligrapher’s supplies Saving Throws: Intelligence and Wisdom Skills: choose three between Arcana, History, Investigation, Religion, Insight, Perception, Medicine, Nature EQUIPMENT You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: • (a) a sling or (b) a dagger • (a) leather armor or (b) a quarterstaff • scholar's pack and calligrapher’s supplies

MASTER'S KNOWLEDGE At 1st level, you choose a skill in which to be Proficient among the following: Arcana, History, Investigation, Religion, Insight, Perception, Medicine, Nature. You gain expertise in the chosen skill, meaning your Proficiency bonus is doubled when you make an Ability check using the chosen skill. At 7th level you can choose a second skill, and another at 14th level. KNOWLEDGE OF THE MASTER Every Master of Tradition can boast a vast erudition, and yet never satisfied and always expanding through the search for the mysteries of the world. In the Lunar Age, their skills are one of the few tools suitable to shed light on the enigmas and the shadows in the darkness. Level Proficiency bonus Features Ritual spells Maximum ritual spell level 1st +2 Master's Knowledge (I), Detect Weakness (1d4) - - 2nd +2 Keeper of Knowledge - - 3rd +2 Ritual Spellcaster, Tales of Monsters and Magic (1d4) 3 2° 4th +2 Ability score improvement 3 2° 5th +3 Detect Weakness (1d6), Master's Tenacity (+1) 4 3° 6th +3 Knowledge feature 4 3° 7th +3 Master's Knowledge (II) 5 4° 8th +3 Ability score improvement 5 4° 9th +4 Tales of Monsters and Magic (1d8) 6 5° 10th +4 Master's Tenacity (+2) 6 5° 11th +4 Detect Weakness (1d8) 7 6° 12th +4 Ability score improvement 7 6° 13th +5 Knowledge feature 7 6° 14th +5 Master's Knowledge (III) 7 6° 15th +5 Master's Tenacity (+3) 7 6° 16th +5 Ability score improvement 7 6° 17th +6 Detect Weakness (1d10) 7 6° 18th +6 Knowledge feature 7 6° 19th +6 Ability score improvement 7 6° 20th +6 Master of Legends 7 6° 109 Adventurers of the night

TALES OF MONSTERS AND MAGIC At 3rd level, you can tell stories and legends to your companions during a short rest. Up to 5 creatures that are able to understand your language, and complete a short rest nearby may listen to your words (they cannot therefore be engaged in doing anything else) regain 1d4 Soul Points at the end of the short rest. You can use this feature once, then you regain its use after you complete a long rest. At 9th level, the creatures regain 1d8 Soul Points instead. ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT At 4th level, and again at the 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th levels, you can increase an ability score by 2, or increase by 1 two ability scores of your choice. As usual, it is not possible, through this feature, to bring a feature to a score above 20. If you implement the optional feats rule, you can give up this privilege and choose a feat instead. MASTER'S TENACITY At 5th level, you get a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws against spells cast by Aberrations, Fiends or Undead. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level, +3 at 15th level. MASTER OF LEGENDS At 20th level, you can cast the spell legend lore once a day without the need for any material component. KEEPERS OF KNOWLEDGE The Masters are educated in every area of the Old Tradition, but even they do not resist the temptations of personal curiosity, inevitably specializing in the study of myths and legends that most capture their interest. In the Lunar Age, such studies have focused on the study of specific otherworldly creatures, among which the following are prominent. DETECT WEAKNESS At 1st level, you are able to study the enemy in front of you to identify their weaknesses and point them out to your allies. As an action, you can focus attention on a target within 30 feet, and then roll a Wisdom check to which you can apply your Proficiency bonus (DC equal to 10 + the target Challenge Rating). In the event of failure, the feature is to be considered unused, and you can retry to use it later towards the same target or others. If successful, you and up to 4 allies within 30 feet, add 1d4 to the next damage roll against that specific target. This feature can be used once, then you regain its use after you complete a short or long rest. The damage bonus increases to 1d6 at 5th level, 1d8 at 11th level and 1d10 at 17th level. KEEPER OF KNOWLEDGE At 2nd level, you specialize in a specific knowledge apt to deal with a certain type of enemy. This choice gives new features to the 2nd, 6th, 13th, and 18th levels (see below). RITUAL SPELLCASTER At 3rd level, you learn 3 ritual spells of 2nd level or below and can cast them as ritual spells. Each spell can belong to any list of spells. At 5th level, you learn another ritual of 3rd level or lower; at 7th level, you learn another ritual of 4th level or lower; at 9th level, you learn another ritual of 5th level or lower; at 11th level, you learn another ritual of 6th level or lower. 110 NIGHTFELL

KKeeper off Funerary unerary SSciences ciences It includes those Masters of Tradition specialized in funeral rites and legends about death and beings of the underworld. Myth of the Shining At 2nd level, when choosing this archetype, you learn the sacred flame and spare the dying cantrips (your spellcasting ability for these spells is Intelligence). Also, when using the Detect Weakness feature, the additional damage turns into radiant damage, and increases by a dice size (1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes 1d8, etc...) if the feature is used against Undead. Tales from the Crypt At 6th level, you have Advantage on Saving Throws against Fear and resistance to Necrotic damage. Legend of the Shining Moon At 13th level, you can cast moonbeam as a 4th level spell (your spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence). The spell can be cast once, then you regain its use after you complete a short or long rest. Morals of Death At 18th level, you are protected against instant death effects and effects that reduce your Hit Points to 0 : if affected by this type of effect, your Hit Points are reduced to 1 instead. You also become immune to any effect that reduces your maximum Hit Points. 111 Adventurers of the night

KKeeper off OOneiric SSciences ciences It includes those Masters of Tradition specialized in the study of the cosmos, eternal beings and everything that lies beyond the veil of reality. Myth of the Nightmare At 2nd level, when choosing this archetype, you can cast the sanctuary spell (your spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence). Also, when using the Detect Weakness feature, any successful attack that benefits from the feature’s damage bonus reveals something about the target. You can choose to learn about a single detail of the target such as: an ability score, armor class, speed, and movement methods, remaining and maximum Hit Points, a special feature, a specific resistance, immunity, or vulnerability. The additional damage increases by one dice size (1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes 1d8, etc...) if the feature is used against Aberrations. Tales from the Subconscious At 6th level, you have Resistance to psychic damage. In addition, you have Advantage on Saving Throws against effects that cause stunned, paralyzed, incapacitated, and unconscious conditions. Legend of the Revealing Dream At 13th level, you can cast the arcane eye spell (your spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence). The spell can be cast once, then you regain its use after you complete a short or long rest. Morals of Eternity At 18th level, you are no longer subject to death by old age so that, once you reach the maximum age related to your race, you simply continue to live on without getting any older. In addition, you have Advantage on Saving Throws against magic. KKeeper off OOccult SSciences ciences It includes those Masters of Tradition specialized in the study of demons, Fiends, and evil beings from other planes of reality. Myth of Magic At 2nd level, when choosing this archetype, you can cast the spell protection from good and evil, (your spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence) targeting yourself. You can cast this spell once, then you regain its use after you complete a short or long rest. In addition, when using the Detect Weakness feature, attacks that benefit from the damage bonus provided by the feature are considered magical in order to overcome Fiends’ damage resistance and increase by a dice size (1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes 1d8, etc.) if the feature is used against Fiends. Tales of the Inquisition At 6th level, you gain Resistance to fire damage, and your attacks are always considered magical in order to overcome the damage resistance of Fiends. Legend of the Exile At 13th level, you can cast the banishment spell (your spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence). The spell can be cast once, then you regain its use after you complete a short or long rest. Morals of Immolation At 18th level, you gain Immunity to fire damage. 112 NIGHTFELL

MEDIUM Their gaze is the gaze of those who have seen the face of death and beyond, and their touch is as frosty as the harsh winters of Iùrmen. When a Medium watches you, know that they are not alone in doing so, for another soul dwells in the same flesh. A wandering soul, with nowhere to return, linked to the Medium by the thread of a common destiny. The gift of mediums is also their burden, which is why they tend to mask their disturbing practices from those who cannot or do not want to understand them and from those who believe they are an unforgivable affront to the laws of the world: amalgamation of life and death. The bodies of Mediums voluntarily become vessels to contain the spirits of the past, which give them skills and knowledge worthy of those beyond the veil of death, and a cold and otherworldly presence. CLASS FEATURES As a Medium, you gain the following class features: Hit Points Hit Dice: 1d10 per Medium level Hit Points at 1st level: 10 + Constitution Modifier Hit Points at higher levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Medium level after 1st Multiclass ulticlass RRequiremments Charisma 13, Dexterity 13 Proficiencies Armor: light armor, medium armor Weapons: all simple weapons; shortsword, scimitar, longsword, greatsword Saving Throws: Charisma and Dexterity Skills: choose two between Acrobatics, Arcana, Intimidation, Investigation, Religion, History, Stealth, Sleight of Hand EQUIPMENT You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: • (a) a longsword or (b) a shortsword or (c) a scimitar • (a) leather armor or (b) scale mail • (a) A shortbow or (b) two daggers • explorer’s pack

or harboring desires of revenge towards their killers, for example. The symbiosis of the Mediums with their own ghosts, however, opens the door to the union between the vitality of mortals and the eternity of the dead, gaining power but often also a kind of catharsis from the afflictions of earthly life or a presence that relieves them of an incurable loneliness. It is not uncommon for these spirits to belong to ancestors who seek their descendants to find help in completing what they have left unresolved or come to their aid at the most desperate time. BOND WITH YOUR GHOST There are many wandering and scattered souls that hover unseen throughout Iùrmen, unable to proceed in the afterlife. Some of them are linked to a specific place, where others find individuals willing to welcome them as if they were some sort of phylactery and with whom they establish an indissoluble bond and mutual benefit. Mediums often tend to have great empathy for the regrets and the lost relationships of their ghosts, pursuing goals that old age has prevented them from achieving Level Proficiency bonus Features 1st +2 Ghost in Ambush (I), Spectral Claw 2nd +2 Nature of the Ghost 3rd +2 Fighting Style, Dark Determination (2d6) 4th +2 Ability score improvement, Vicious Claw 5th +3 Extra attack (I) 6th +3 Ghost feature 7th +3 Ghost in Ambush (II) 8th +3 Ability score improvement 9th +4 Dark Determination (2d10) 10th +4 Spectral Rending 11th +4 Ghost feature 12th +4 Ability score improvement 13th +5 Twin Claws 14th +5 Ghost in Ambush (III) 15th +5 Spectral Snare 16th +5 Ability score improvement 17th +6 Extra attack (II) 18th +6 Ghost feature 19th +6 Ability score improvement 20th +6 Steel Claw 114 NIGHTFELL

FIGHTING STYLE At 3rd level, you adopt a particular fighting style as your specialty, focusing on a category of weapons of choice from those listed below. You cannot choose the same option more than once. Great weapon fighting When you 1 or 2 in a dice roll to determine the damage of a two-handed melee weapon, you can repeat the roll and use the new result. The weapon must have the Two-Handed or Versatile property to benefit from this feature. Two-weapon fighting When you make an offhand attack as a bonus action while two-weapon fighting, add the appropriate ability modifier to the damage of the offhand attack as well. Dueling When you wield a melee weapon in one hand without wielding any other weapons, you get a +2 bonus on that weapon’s damage rolls. Archery You get a +2 bonus on Attack Rolls with ranged weapons. DARK DETERMINATION At 3rd level, you can regain 2d6 Soul Points as a bonus action. This feature can be used once, then you regain its use after you complete a long rest. At 9th level, you regain 2d10 Soul Points. ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT At 4th level, and again at the 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th levels, you can increase an ability score by 2, or increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As usual, you cannot bring an ability above 20 through this privilege. If you implement the optional feat rule, you can give up this privilege to choose a feat instead. GHOST IN AMBUSH At 1st level, with a bonus action you can summon the ghost that is inside you and materialize it outside your body, in a special condition that from now on will be defined as "into the open". The ghost will hover ominously behind you, in a special condition that from now on will instead be called "in ambush", from which it can be sent, as a Reaction, to cling to an enemy who has made a melee attack against you. If the ghost is clinging to a target, the latter cannot recover Hit Points in any way, and, if it is an Undead, it would cause it to have Disadvantage on its next attack against you. At the end of the target’s next turn, the ghost sinks its ethereal claws into the target. Then, roll 2d6: If the result is equal to or greater than the remaining Hit Points of the target, the latter is reduced to 0 Hit Points and is treated as dying. Creatures immune to necrotic damage are immune to this effect. After using its ethereal claws, whether the target has dropped to 0 Hit Points or not, the ghost immediately returns within you and is no longer to be considered either “into the open” or “in ambush” (several features listed below refer to these two special conditions). This feature can be used once, then you regain its use after you complete a short or long rest. At 7th level, you can use this feature twice and, when the ghost sinks its claws, you roll 3d8 instead of 2d6; at 14th level, when the spectrum sinks its claws, roll 5d10, and if the target is reduced to 0 Hit Points, the Medium regains as much Hit Points as half the Hit Points thus lost by to the target. SPECTRAL CLAW At 1st level, you learn the chill touch cantrip (your spellcasting ability for this spell is Charisma). When you cast chill touch, the effect lasts until the end of your next turn, rather than until the start of your next turn. NATURE OF THE SPIRIT At 2nd level, you choose a Nature of the Spirit. This choice provides new features to the 2nd, 6th, 11th, and 18th levels. 115 Adventurers of the night

THE POSSESSION OF A MEDIUM Although Mediums are already possessed by ghosts, they can still be victims of Possession once their Soul Points reserve drops to 0. The lurking Dark Mirror entities will have the opportunity to corrupt the mind of the Medium's ghost, and this bond will be exploited to have control over the character. An exorcism, therefore, will lead to the purification of the Medium's ghost, thus driving away the malignant entity that had taken control of it. NATURE OF THE GHOST By learning about their ghost and learning how to use their powers, the Medium begins to observe its true nature. Only when the nature of the spirit is revealed it can unleash its true potential. Ghost spells At 2nd level, when choosing a Nature of the Spirit, drawing power from the ghostly essence, you can cast thematic spells. Spells: the description of each archetype contains the list of spells that can be cast with this feature, along with the level at which each spell is obtained and how many times you can use it. You regain every use when you complete a long rest. Spellcasting ability: Charisma is the spellcasting ability of a Medium, as it is the mere strength of their willpower that fights against the possession by the ghost until it comes to understand its power. Take your Charisma score as a reference when a spell mentions the spellcasting ability. Use your Charisma modifier to determine the Difficulty Class (DC) of Saving Throws for Ghost spells cast or used to attack. Saving Throw DC= 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Spell attack modifier= your Proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. VICIOUS CLAW At 4th level, if you miss a target with chill touch, you still deal necrotic damage equal to 1 plus your Charisma modifier (the target takes no other effects, as the spell did not score a hit). EXTRA ATTACK At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 17th level in this class. SPECTRAL RENDING At 10th level, when performing an attack with a weapon against a target under the effect of chill touch, or clinged to by your ghost, you can score a critical hit with a roll of 19-20. TWIN CLAWS At 13th level, when you score a critical hit with chill touch, you can immediately use chill touch against a second target within 15 feet of the first one. SPECTRAL SNARE At 15th level, when you score a critical hit with a weapon attack, your ghost comes out “into the open” (if it was not already) and immediately clings to the target. This feature does not count for the number of Ghost in Ambush feature uses. STEEL CLAW At 20th level, once per turn you can use chill touch instead of a weapon attack, when using the Attack action on your turn If you implement the optional feats rule, you can give up this feature and choose a feat instead. 116 NIGHTFELL

Wandering Ghost The ghost reveals its connection to the world invisible to the eye, and its personal torment that keep it tethered to the world of the living. It begins to manifest itself in the form of elusive abilities. Such is the nature of the ghost that makes the Medium take on the appearance of a real spectre. Character level Wandering Ghost spells 2nd Misty step (a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier) 6th blink (once) 11th freedom of movement (once) 18th passwall (once) Spectral Veil At 2nd level, as long as your ghost is “into the open”, your speed increases by 10 feet and you get a +4 bonus to AC against Opportunity Attacks. Rapacious Ghost At 6th level, you can use your Reaction to have your ghost cling to a target who just hit you with a ranged weapon attack, provided that the target is within 60 feet. Spectral Escape At 11th level, when using Dark Determination, you can use Disengage or Dash as part of the same bonus action. Ethereal Vanishing At 18th level, when your ghost reduces an enemy to 0 Hit Points, you can become invisible until the end of your next turn, until you attack or until you cast a spell. 117 Adventurers of the night

Jinx Ghost The ghost manifests its propensity for hatred and vengeance, revealing itself as capable of casting powerful curses. The grudges of those who have died run through the Medium's veins, and a stream of necrotic magic emerges from their body to rage into their enemies. Character level Jinx Ghost spells 2nd bane, at 2nd level (a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier) 6th bestow curse (once) 11th confusion (once) 18th contagion (once) Spectral Mire At 2nd level , as long as your ghost is “into the open”, any enemy finishing their turn within 30 feet of you must make a successful Strength Saving Throw or its speed will be reduced to 10 feet until the end of its next turn. Malicious Ghost At 6th level, when a creature within 30 feet fails a Saving Throw, as a Reaction you can have your ghost cling to that creature. Spectral Dread At 11th level, when you use Dark Determination, any enemy within 10 feet of you must make a successful Wisdom Saving Throw or be Frightened until the end of its next turn. Ethereal Carnage At 18th level, when your ghost reduces an enemy to 0 Hit Points it can immediately cling to another target within 10 feet of the first one. Valiant Ghost The ghost manifests a solemn fury, strengthening and purifying the body of the Medium, who has the strength of the ghost in their hands and its courage in their heart. Character level Valiant Ghost spells 2nd healing word, at 2nd level (a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier) 6th beacon of hope (once) 11th death ward (once) 18th mass cure wounds (once) Spectral Shield At 2nd level, as long as your ghost is “into the open”, any other creature of your choice within 10 feet of you gains a +2 bonus to AC and Saving Throws. Strategic Ghost At 6th level, when an ally you can see hits with a melee weapon attack a target within 60 feet, you can use your Reaction to have your ghost cling to that target. Spectral Rest At 11th level, when you use Dark Determination, any other creature of your choice within 10 feet regains half of the Soul Points you regain. Ethereal Reinvigoration At 18th level, when your ghost reduces an enemy to 0 Hit Points, you, and any ally within 30 feet of you, earn Temporary Hit Points equal to 1d10 plus your Charisma modifier. 118 NIGHTFELL

VAMPIRE, PROGENY OF ACIRENZIA What mortals call eternal night, the children of the dark call home. Iürmen's vampires are the Blood Moon’s offspring, and therefore eternally opposed to the clergy of Mirithlen, and the Lunar Cult who hunts and persecutes them, and not without reason. The curse they were struck by often turns them, out of necessity, instinct, or despair, into bloodthirsty monsters and murderous sad*sts. However, some rare individuals have learned how to dwell among the living and find their place within society, although only the fortress known as the Northern Lookout, in the Lands of Alper, has so far shown such open-mindedness as to welcome them. Those Vampires who have not tamed their predatory nature are organized into small "families", whose leader is usually the vampire who bestowed the gift, or transmitted the contagion, depending on the point of view, to the other members. Usually, these groups haunt abandoned ruins and settlements. There are, however, those clusters led by the Acolytes of Acirenzia, mother of all vampires, who often found settlements of their own. Finally, there are those who, unable to come to terms with what they have become, condemn themselves to a lonely and roaming life, lost in the eternal, desolate night of Iùrmen. Lunar cultists and Ejre are usually reluctant to trust these creatures: the former consider the Blood Moon and all its children blasphemous, while the latter see the very existence of vampires as a subversion of the natural order of things and the balance between predators and prey. All of Iùrmen's Vampires descend from Acirenzia, who was a priestess of Mirithlen in the early Lunar Age but eventually betrayed her goddess. Thanks to a blasphemous ritual, she polluted the radiant beauty of the Moon with the dark red of blood, still visible on certain nights, and for this act she was damned for eternity. Acirenzia passed on her curse to her Acolytes, and they propagated it throughout Iùrmen. Thus, a lineage was born whose destiny is eternally marked by a thirst for blood and lust for darkness, since the rays of the Full Moon weaken the Vampires as a sign of the goddess's vengeance.

make an unarmed weapon attack that deals piercing damage equal to 1d4 plus your Constitution modifier, and by doing so gaining as much Temporary Hit Points as the damage you inflicted. You can only use this attack against corporeal targets, provided you have Advantage on the Attack Roll. You can also use this attack against a target you have grabbed in combat, even if you do not have Advantage on the Attack Roll. If the target of the bite is an Aberration, a Fiend or an Undead, you are Poisoned until the end of your next turn. The bite becomes more and more lethal as your levels increase: damage increases to 1d6 (5th level), 1d8 (10th level), 1d10 (15th level) and finally 1d12 (20th level). GIFTS OF ACIRENZIA At 1st level, you develop supernatural and mysterious abilities, the same that originated many myths and legends that surround the Vampire’s figure. You gain two Gifts from the following list and an additional gift to the 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 15th, and 19th levels. • Dark Grace: As a bonus action, you can improve your mobility, increasing by 10 feet any jump made by the end of the turn; choosing this Gift twice allows you to cast the feather fall spell at will; choosing this Gift three times allows you to cast the levitate spell (only on yourself ) once, then you regain its use after you complete a short or long rest. • Predatory Allure: Choose a skill between Deception, Persuasion, or Intimidation; when you can make a Charisma check using the selected ability, you gain a +2 bonus; you can choose this Gift multiple times, choosing a different skill each time, and your bonuses to previously chosen skills increases by 1. • Feral Magnetism: When you use the Animal Handling skill, consider any dice roll lower than 8 as 8; choosing this Gift twice allows you to cast the animal messenger spell at will; choosing this Gift three times allows you to cast the animal friendship spell once, then you regain its use after you complete a short or long rest. • Body of Mist: As a Reaction when you are hit by a melee attack with a weapon that is not magical, silvered or Grim, that deals slashing or bludgeoning damage, you can reduce the damage by 1d4; choosing this Gift twice extends its effectiveness to ranged weapon attacks and attacks that deal piercing damage; choosing this Gift A MOON TORMENTED PROGENY • During the Full Moon Lunar Phase, Vampires cannot enter a dwelling unless they are expressly invited by an occupant. (a single invite allows the Vampire to enter such dwelling on any other occasion) • During the Full Moon Lunar Phase, Vampires have Disadvantage in Attack Rolls and sight-based Wisdom (Perception) checks when they, or else the target or the subject of their action, are directly hit by the moonlight. CLASS FEATURES As a Vampire, you gain the following class features: Hit Points Hit Dice: 1d8 per Vampire level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier Hit Points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier for Vampire level after 1st Multiclass ulticlass RRequiremments Constitution 13, Charisma 13 Proficiencies Armor: light armor Weapons: simple weapons Saving Throws: Strength and Wisdom Skills: choose three between Athletics, Stealth, Arcana, History, Investigation, Religion, Insight, Perception, Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion EQUIPMENT You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: • (a) a light crossbow or (b) a spear • (a) padded armor • a dagger, a torch BLOOD POWER At 1st level, you, as a Vampire, will have to adapt to your needs, no longer being able to ingest any nourishment but fresh blood. Your eating habits are aided by the development of a predatory dentition, thanks to which you can use your own bite to 120 NIGHTFELL

as an action; you can use this Gift once, then you regain its use after you complete a long rest; choosing this Gift twice allows you to summon 1d4 Wolves instead; choosing this Gift three times compels the summoned creatures to remain at your service until they are reduced to half or less of their Hit Points. • Superhuman Prowess: As a bonus action, you can have Advantage on the next Strength check made in the same three times allows you to cast the gaseous form spell (only on yourself ) once, then you regain its use after you complete a long rest; if your level is 4th or lower, gaseous form ends at the end of your next turn. • Dominion over the Creatures of the Night: As an action, you can summon a Swarm of Bats: they will attack the nearest hostile creature, but leave at the end of your next turn; you can give new orders to the creatures summoned Level Proficiency bonus Features Bite damage Gifts of Acirenzia 1 +2 Blood Power, Gifts of Acirenzia 1D4 2 2 +2 Dark Path 3 +2 Heart of Darkness 3 4 +2 Ability score improvement 5 +3 1D6 4 6 +3 Dark Path feature 7 +3 Vermilion Resilience (I) 8 +3 Ability score improvement 5 9 +4 Soul of Darkness 10 +4 1D8 6 11 +4 Dark Path feature 12 +4 Ability score improvement 13 +5 Mask of the Beast 14 +5 Vermilion Resilience (II) 15 +5 1D10 7 16 +5 Ability score improvement 17 +6 Dark Path feature 18 +6 Blood balance 19 +6 Ability score improvement 8 20 +6 Apotheosis of the Beast 1D12 121 Adventurers of the night

SOUL OF DARKNESS At 9th level, resorting to the power of your cursed blood makes you impervious to adversity, albeit eroding your soul. When you fail a Saving Throw, you can sacrifice 1d8 Soul Points to reroll, considering only the second roll to be valid. This feature can be used twice, and you regain each use you spent after you complete a long rest. MASK OF THE BEAST At 13th level, you can sacrifice a fragment of your soul and humanity to turn into a real night predator. As an action, you can sacrifice 2d6 Soul Points and cast the polymorph spell on yourself without having to spend any spell slots, and immediately turn into a Night Predator: a majestic and dreadful creature, with bat wings and wolf jaws. This feature can be used once, then you regain its use after you complete a short or long rest. NIGHT PREDATOR Large Monstrosity STR 18 (+4) DEX 16 (+3) CON 15 (+2) INT 6 (-2) WIS 12 (-1) CHA 6 (-2) Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 104 (or 8 per character level) Speed 35 feet, flying 60 feet Skills Athletics +7, Perception +4, Stealth +6 Vulnerability to radiant damage Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage from nonmagical attacks made with non-silvered weapons Immunity to Frightened Conditions Senses Passive perception 14 (19 if hearing-based), Blind Vision 60 feet Languages it may comprehend Common, but not speak it Challenge 6 (2300 XP) TRAIT Scent of Blood: the Night Predator has Advantage on attack against targets it has grappled Acute Senses: the Night Predator has Advantage on smell and hearing based Wisdom (Perception) checks ACTIONS Multi-attack: the Night Predator makes one attack with Claws and one with Bite Claws: melee weapon attack: +7 to hit, range 5 feet, one target; hit: 11 (2d6+4) slashing damage, and the target is grappled (DC 15 to escape) Bite: melee weapon attack: +7 to hit, range 5 feet, one target; hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage; if the target is grappled, the Night Predator gains as much Temporary Hit Points as the damage inflicted with the bite turn; choosing this Gift twice doubles the vampire's carrying capacity; if you choose this Gift three times, when you activate this gift, you also gain a 1d4 bonus to all your melee damage rolls made in the same turn. • Threat from above: You gain the ability to climb at half your speed, being able to climb completely smooth surfaces and even upside down; if you choose this Gift twice, your climbing speed becomes equal to your walking speed; if you choose this Gift three times, you will have Advantage on Attack Rolls and Strength (Athletics) checks when you attack from an overhead position in relation to the target. DARK PATH At 2nd level, you embark on your chosen dark path. This choice provides new features at the 2nd, 6th, 11th and 17th levels. HEART OF DARKNESS At 3rd level, the blood of mortals nourishes your soul as much as your physique. When you make a bite attack against a humanoid target, you regain an amount of Soul Points equal to your Charisma modifier. ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT At 4th level, and again at the 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th levels, you can increase an ability score by 2, or increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As usual, you cannot bring an ability above 20 through this privilege. If you implement the optional feat rule, you can give up this privilege to choose a feat instead. VERMILION RESILIENCE At 7th level, your body is nothing more than an empty container for your bloodthirsty soul. If reduced to 0 Hit Points, you remain at 1 Hit Point instead if you have at least 1 Soul Point. Further Hit Point losses turn into Soul Point losses unless they are caused by critical hits or radiant damage. At 14th level, the amount of Soul Points lost in place of Hit Points is halved. 122 NIGHTFELL

Chalice of Vigor At 11th level, when you get a result of 6 or more on the dice roll on bite damage, you get a +2 bonus to all melee damage, AC and Saving Throws for 1 minute. Blood Moon Vigor At 17th level, your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 2 (up to a maximum of 22). BLOOD BALANCE At 18th level, you can use your action and sacrifice 1d10 Soul Points. By doing so, you can redistribute your Hit Points and Soul Points at will between the two reserves. This feature can be used once, then you regain its use after you complete a long rest. APOTHEOSIS OF THE BEAST At 20th level, using the Mask of the Beast feature does not cost any Soul Points and it can be used at will. DARK PATHS The Vampire's cursed blood burns while their senses sharpen. As you become familiar with your gifts, you can choose which path to take in the eternal night and how to channel your vampiric essence to develop specific predispositions. DDark PPath off the SScarlet SSoldier The Vampire learns how destructive their legacy can be if used in the right way, while witnessing their body increase in strength and endurance. These are the first steps that will lead them to become a champion of the night. When you choose this archetype at 2nd level, you gain Proficiency in all martial weapons, shields, and medium armors. In addition, your maximum Hit Points increase by 1 for each level in this class. Bloodthirsty Grip At 2nd level, when you successfully grapple your opponent while performing your Attack action, you can make an additional Bite Attack as a part of the same action. Extra attack At 6th level, you can perform two attacks, instead of one, when performing an Attack action in your turn. 123 Adventurers of the night

Spells: Below there is the list of spells that can be cast with this feature; the following chart shows the number of known spells; when the chart indicates that you know one spell more than at the previous level, you can choose a spell of any level in which you have spell slots; the chart also shows the number of slots available to cast spells depending on the level; such spell slots are regained when a long rest is completed. Spellcasting ability: Charisma is the spellcasting ability of a Night Mystic, as their magic resides in the Vampire’s very blood, soul, and self. Take your Charisma score as a reference when a spell mentions the spellcasting ability. Use your Charisma modifier to determine the Difficulty Class (DC) of Saving Throws for Night Mystic spells cast or used to attack. Saving Throw DC= 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Spell attack modifier= your Proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Night Mystic level Known spells Spell slots 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 2 4 1 3 5 2 4 6 2 5 7 3 1 6 8 3 1 7 9 3 2 8 10 3 2 9 11 3 2 1 10 12 3 2 1 11 13 3 2 2 1 12 14 3 2 2 1 13 15 3 2 2 1 14 16 3 2 2 2 15 17 3 3 2 2 16 18 4 3 2 2 17 19 4 3 2 2 1 18 20 4 3 2 2 1 19 21 4 3 2 3 1 20 22 4 4 3 3 1 DDark PPath off the PPale HHunter The Vampire is now one with the shadows. Their stealth skills develop in new ways thanks to their renewed affinity to darkness. When you choose this archetype at 2nd level, you become Proficient in the Stealth skill and in another skill of your choice. Night Hunter At 2nd level, you gain Darkvision up to 60 feet (or the previously possessed Darkvision is extended by 60 feet). In addition, you have Advantage in Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide in areas of dim light or darkness. Bloodthirsty Ambush At 6th level, you can use your bite against surprised targets. If you hit and bite a surprised target, you automatically score a critical hit. Celerity of Shadows At 6th level, your speed increases by 10 feet. Chalice of Terror At 11th level, when you get a result of 6 or more in the dice roll for bite damage, the target is Frightened for one minute. The target can make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 15) at the end of each of its turns to end the condition. A target that has made a successful Saving Throw becomes immune to this effect for 24 hours. Acuteness of the Blood Moon At 17th level, your Dexterity and Intelligence scores increase by 2 (up to a maximum of 22). DDark PPath off the NNight Mystic The vampire's blood exudes magic and their eyes radiate death. The night itself becomes the source of their power. When you choose this archetype at 2nd level, you gain the ability to cast a variety of spells drawing on the power inherent to blood. 124 NIGHTFELL

125 Adventurers of the night

3rd level Animate Dead Blink Bestow Curse Clairvoyance Counterspell Conjure Animals Dissolve Magic Fear Fly Gaseous Form Haste Hypnotic Pattern Nondetection Speak with Dead Vampiric Touch 4th level Blight Compulsion Confusion Freedom of Movement Giant Insect Greater Invisibility Hallucinatory Terrain Phantasmal Killer Polymorph 5th level Dominate Person Geas Hold Monster Insect Plague Mislead Passwall Raise Dead Scrying Telekinesis Telepathic Bond Blood Weakening At 6th level, when you make a successful bite attack, the target has Disadvantage on the next Saving Throw against spells you cast within the next minute. Chalice of Power At 11th level, when you get a result of 6 or or more on the dice roll for bite damage, you regain a 1st level spell slot. This feature can be used as many times as your Constitution modifier, and you regain each use you spent after you complete a long rest. Majesty of the Blood Moon At 17th level, your Wisdom and Charisma scores increase by 2 (up to a maximum of 22). LIST LIST OOF SPELLS SPELLS OOF THE THE NIGHT NIGHT MYSTIC YSTIC VAVAMPIRE PIRE 1st level Animal Friendship Charm Person Command Detect Magic Disguise Self Expeditious Retreat False Life Fog Cloud Speak with Animals Sleep 2nd level Alter Self Spider Climb Blur Calming emotions Darkness Detect Thoughts Enhance Ability Enthrall Hold Person Invisibility Suggestion 126 NIGHTFELL

Skills Proficiencies: Religion or Perception; Insight or History Other Proficiencies: a tool of choice between brewer’s supplies, cobbler’s tools, carpenter's tools, calligrapher’s supplies, witch’s pack, or abjurer’s pack Equipment: book (filled with your own aphorisms) a tool or equipment in which you are Proficient, nib and ink, monk clothes, food supplies for a day, a torch, 1 gp FEATURE: SUPPORT OF THE CIRCLE All members of a cult recognize other members instantly, thanks to small details that are insignificant to those who have not spent years in a monastery, circle, or community. Members of a circle respect a code of mutual aid throughout their lives, providing help and support to other members. An Adept can expect the support of the other members they meet, who will expect similar treatment in turn. NEW BACKGROUNDS The circ*mstances behind one's birth and growth in Iùrmen can significantly affect the path of an adventurer of the night. Below is a list of the backgrounds available for your characters. ADEPT OF A CIRCLE There are many who are raised by religious communities; babies abandoned on the door or orphans with no future. They grow up following their cult or community’s own strict rules, learning hard work and developing skills useful to the circle that hosts them. These characters may have been raised by specific cults such as the Old Tradition or the Lunar Cult. Their life of commitment, study and work makes them skilled thinkers or fundamental components in towns and outposts, where they give aid and teach lessons. 127 Adventurers of the night

SUGGESTED TRAITS Those who are Adepts of a Circle and are raised by specific communities always carry with them the teachings learned from their masters and confreres. These characters have a high sense of sacrifice and often know how to be generous and encouraging, masking gloomy emotions so as not to give the impression of being intimidated by the evil that afflicts the Material Plane. They always remember what it is like to live in a community, and the spirit of brotherhood (or sisterhood) makes them reliable travel companions. They never back down when their cult needs help and they sometimes become propagators of their creed. VARIANT: CIRCLE OF APOSTATES OF RAHIDRA Among the several communities in which the characters may have grown up, there are the druids and sages of the Apostates of Rahidra. These characters have the same characteristics mentioned above, with the variant of being particularly devoted to what remains of the natural world, to the people who protect Rahidra and to a wilder lifestyle. • The traits below replace the "Skill Proficiencies" and "Equipment" entries listed above. • Alternative equipment: sheets with drawings, a tool or equipment in which you are Proficient, charcoal for drawing, a wooden toy carved at a young age, simple clothes, food supplies for a day, a torch, 1 gp. • Alternative Skills Proficiencies: Animal Handling or Arcana; Nature or Religion. d8 Personality traits 1 Before doing anything rash, I count to 10. 2 I try to connect every event in a great cosmic scheme. 3 I often get lost in contemplation of my own thoughts, forgetting what surrounds me. 4 I perform deep bows and other gestures of respect. 5 I speak in a calm voice even when my words are sharp, and my emotions burst. 6 Constant training allows me to deal with the stress and difficulties of life. 7 I often tell anecdotes about the times I used to hang out with my community. 8 I am intransigent towards those who speak ill of my circle of origin.

ANCIENT LINEAGE Among the peoples of Iùrmen there are still those who descend from ancient houses or inherit honors and responsibilities as descendants of more or less historically relevant figures. In the Lunar Age, politics and kingdoms have changed, giving way to new orders and territorial control by religious cults. An exception are the Lands of Alper, where the descendants of those who were deceived by the Trudens to become hideous Wild Oms still rule. The history of the world saw a succession of characters, ruling families or saviours who ruled nations. Alas, of those glories there is nothing left but a shadow that weighs heavily on the shoulders of a few, whose goal is to restore the rightful authority of their ancestors. Skills Proficiencies: Perform or Persuasion; Arcana or History One type of martial weapon (melee or ranged) Equipment: A martial weapon in which you are Proficient, a family heirloom in bronze (worth 3 gp), simple clothes, a cloak depicting a family or cultural crest, a red wine flask, a gold ring gifted by your parents (worth 15 gp) and a worn copy of the Annals of Iùrmen FEATURE: NOBLE BIRTH Whether your lineage has decayed, or the memory of your ancestors is still alive, those who bear an Ancient Lineage still retain a certain authority in the political field. While others must earn the right to access reserved places or have difficulties getting an audience with important people, there are those who can boast of their descendants and enjoy privileges denied to ordinary people, given that you are in a place relating to your origin or among people who respect the noble history of your lineage. Even in such circ*mstances, it will often be necessary to provide proof of your ancestry, such as cemetery records, a signet ring, wills, or possibly letters from well-respected individuals. This feature can also be interpreted as an influence on certain ethnic groups, rather than towards political figures. Below are the possible origin lineage and the benefits that come with it. • Lyvar Chieftain: Every nomadic group of Night Faeling knows how to recognize the heir of their guide or a descendant of the ancient chieftains of the depths. When in contact with Lyvar groups, you will exercise a greater authority. d6 Ideals 1 Improvement (neutral): Constant improvement and selfcare lead to a balanced and serene life. 2 No one is above the law (lawful): No one should have preferential treatment under the law. 3 Charity (good): Why accumulate earthly goods, when you can share them with those who need it most? 4 Respect (lawful): Everyone, regardless of rank or social class, must be treated with dignity. 5 Strength (evil): With hard work I have been raised above the weak, and it is only right that I have my share. 6 Freedom of thought (chaotic): Everyone is free to believe in what they want, and any constraint must be strongly opposed. d6 Bonds 1 My community was set on fire by a possessed madman, I still bear the scars today. 2 My master was strict, but even today I would give my life for him. 3 Nothing comes before my confreres. 4 In my community I had known the love of my life, but the master would never approve. 5 I inherited valuable and important calligrapher tools. To lose them would be an unacceptable insult to the one who gave them to me. 6 A rival from my time at the monastery persecutes me, our paths continue to cross. d6 Flaws 1 I am dogmatic and inflexible. 2 I demand perfection, from others and even more so from myself. 3 I treat others with conceit, looking down on them. 4 I am afraid of fire. 5 Sarcasm is always on my lips. 6 I will never ask for help from those who do not come from a circle: they would not understand and could not help me. 129 Adventurers of the night

• Ancient Disciples of Rahidra: Primevals pass down the tales of how Rahidra led her people to the east, and still many tell tales of those who were at first her direct disciples and then became spiritual guides of tribes and families. Those who can boast the legacy of Rahidra's historical disciples enjoy a special consideration and a certain respect among the Ejre. • Perchta’s Blood: Although Krampus adventurers are always outcasts and exiles who have left the pack, they can still prove to be part of a glorious lineage. Some of them, in fact, can prove that they have ties to the mammoth Ladies of the Beast in their blood, as if they were descendants of primordial authority. This is due to the fact that the Ladies of the Beast sometimes blessed children of their feral people, giving them a semidivine spark, hoping that they could become fearsome followers and fierce protectors. Those who can show this lineage are welcomed in peace, or at least not in open hostility, by the packs of Krampus in spite of their status as an outcast. VARIANT: PERCHTA’S BLOOD A Krampus who manifests the bygone feral spark granted by the Ladies of the Beast replaces their background features with the ones listed here. • Skills Proficiencies: Athletics; Perception • Other Proficiencies: One type of martial weapon (melee or ranged) • Equipment: A martial weapon in which you are Proficient, a mask made of wood and feathers with an engraved symbol that resembles the Perchtas’ icon (worth 10 gp), tribal clothes, an oil flask, a witch’s pack and a bone knife Suggested traits Being descendants of a noble house or iconic characters is a burden, as well as an honor. Characters may find themselves enjoying both renown and prejudice. The nocturnal adventurers of Ancient Lineage often have very specific personal goals, such as restoring the importance of their family, regaining the privilege and lost power, or standing as leaders and paragons for their own people, inspired by their ancestors’ accomplishments. • Heirs of the Kingdom of Sarneum: The royal lineage of Sarneum is not yet completely lost, and there are still distant descendants of the family to which Ma'Hal III, grandfather of Mirithlen herself, belonged. When the Ishdrim acknowledge your lineage, they cannot help but feel subservient, nostalgic of the tales of when they reigned and prospered in the southern continent. • Noble Houses of the First Men: Ghirion, Olendris, Zirmael and several others. These are the fallen houses from when Xivanis reigned, and some even date back to the age of the Thurinthian Empire. Those who bear these names carry a heavy burden, since it was from them and their deeds that the decline of Iùrmen originated. However, the Anireth unreservedly respect the descendants of their lost aristocracy as they still hope for the redemption of their people, or even a return to the ancient glories. This guarantees a strong influence over the Anireth you encounter. • Cursed Garnar Lineage: Among the Garnar, there are some who descend from those who brought the curse on their entire people, but whom many still remember as warriors, chieftains, and paragons of virtue. Even today, in the Northern Lookout, some of these descendants maintain their rule over the Alperns, and it is quite common for them to challenge each other, fostering internal wars to prove who is the strongest and most worthy to lead the people. If you possess such ancestry, some may curse your ancestors for their pact with the Trudens, but no one can deny you an audience with Alper's rulers. • Sons of the Early Satyrs: Among the several lines of Satyrs that once populated Iùrmen, only the Rizadrin survive. Among them, some boast a blood bond with the kings of the World Below, supreme governors of the lost cities of the Lunar Satyrs. Such a lineage cannot be ignored even by Anvernia, who rules over the Lunar Cult. • Descendants of Erven the Strong: Everyone knows the legend of Erven, and the Gray Folk literally idolize this legendary figure. He had three children, who gave rise to three sub-kingdoms. However, it is highly likely that the last descendants of Erven's bloodline come from his daughter Hislith. Proving to be heirs of such a noble lineage would allow you to find open doors among the Gray Folk or in the vicinity of Ervenrun. Even among the followers of the Old Tradition, rulers of the citadel, you would stir a certain awe. 130 NIGHTFELL

d8 Personality traits 1 I hate being interrupted while I speak. 2 I seize every opportunity to tell the deeds of my ancestors. 3 I am picky with some types of foods. 4 I can keep a calm demeanor in most situations. 5 I believe in my lineage more than any religion. 6 Sometimes, I am unintentionally vain. 7 I always keep my belongings in order. 8 If I am in the wrong, I have a hard time apologizing. d6 Ideals 1 Rebirth (good): I will do what is in my power to restore my name and that of my ancestors. 2 Honourable (lawful): My origins require me to be an example to others. 3 Indifference (evil): The fate of others is no business of mine. I have to be successful even at the expense of those around me. 4 Bequest (any): Preserving one's traditions is a duty and a necessity. 5 Consistency (neutral): When you assert a concept, that must be paramount above everything else. 6 Arrogance (chaotic): I deserve more rights than others! d6 Bonds 1 The legends about my ancestors have accompanied me since childhood. 2 I try to correct the mistakes of the past and drive away the ill will on my family. 3 My land and my city are always in my thoughts. My very story comes from there. 4 A family curse haunts me as it once haunted my parents. 5 I have to conclude what was started by one of my ancestors. 6 I could never leave this object that has been handed down for generations in my family. d6 Flaws 1 Actually, I hate having to always be compared to my lineage. 2 I am not likely to feel empathy towards others. 3 Every time I fail, I blame my ancestors. 4 Sometimes I feel the burden of responsibility and that brings me down. 5 I easily fall into vices. 6 I cannot admit I am wrong, not even if confronted with hard evidence. APOSTATE Even the most devoted and unwavering followers of a cult can sometimes leave their beliefs behind. Whether out of distrust of the divine or inability to tolerate certain horrors happening despite its intervention, some characters become Apostates. Once you have abandoned your faith or left the circle you belonged to, relations with the past are hopelessly closed off. In times of need, for example when seeking refuge in places of worship, Apostates must disguise themselves as if they were still part of the clergy they have abandoned. Skill Proficiency: Stealth or Deception, Religion or History Other Proficiencies: Abjurer’s pack, calligrapher’s supplies Equipment: An abjurer’s pack, 5 incense sticks or 5 perfumed candles (depending on your Birthmoon; Full: vanilla and honey; New: licorice; Ascending: Mint; Descending: sandalwood), a small knife, a tunic, common clothes, a purse with 5 gp, a silver statuette worth 10 gp stolen from an abandoned holy place FEATURE: WOLF AMIDST LAMBS Thanks to the years spent in their former cult, you are able to pass yourself off as a devout follower in communities where you are a stranger; this way you can find asylum, respect, and assistance for a week; if you dedicate at least two hours a day to caring for the faithful, you will earn a paycheck of 2d6 silver coins per day; after a week, rumours about your account begin to circulate within this new community, so that it would be time to look for other places to go before your apostate identity is revealed. 131 Adventurers of the night

d6 Ideals 1 Honor (lawful): My word is worth more than any supposedly sacred writing or false prophecy. 2 Anarchy (chaotic): I do not believe in hierarchies, nor in the authority of one person over another. 3 New life (neutral): I want to forget the past, and I want the past to forget about me. 4 Truth (neutral): I intend to find out what my former cult hides and spread the truth. 5 Alms (good): Even today, every coin I give to those in need, is for me a small step towards serenity. 6 Vengeance (evil): My former cult will pay; churches will burn, false idols will be knocked down, and the deceitful tongues of priests cut out. d6 Bonds 1 I was set up; someone else is guilty of the heresy for which I was excommunicated. 2 I fell in love with a person against the dictates of my religion, so I had to flee. 3 There is a person within the hierarchy of my former cult that I will always trust. 4 I discovered a terrible truth about my church, and they are hunting me down to silence me. 5 A poor man I was unable to heal whispered a dark omen to me on his deathbed. 6 I have never lost my faith and it still guides me today. d6 Flaws 1 Pessimistic: If something can go wrong, it will. 2 Paranoid: I see shadows spying on me everywhere. 3 Bad liar: I become visibly uncomfortable when I lie. 4 Hypocrite: I judge others severely, but, when it comes to myself, I am lenient. 5 Obsessive: When I set myself a goal, that is the only thing I see. 6 Fatalist: I rely too much on fate and I do not care much about working to obtain favourable results. SUGGESTED TRAITS It is not unusual for apostates to totally abjur their previous religion. Some simply tend to deviate from the dictates of the faith of origin, while others deviate to the point where they reject them totally or even oppose them. As they are each a unique case , this does not necessarily mean that they had such relevance as to be excommunicated or driven out d rastically, but over time the rumours about them could spread, making it difficult for them to interact with their clergy of origin. d8 Personality Traits 1 I am always on the lookout, and I constantly watch my back. 2 I cannot hold back a laugh when something unpleasant happens to my former cult or its members. 3 I express myself in a calm and sweet voice, even when I am angry. 4 I avoid giving clear information about my account and my past, I give vague and evasive answers. 5 I prefer to count on my own skills rather than other people. 6 I have a great memory for names and faces. 7 I have lost faith in religion and the divine. 8 I tend not to trust clergy or religious figures in general. 132 NIGHTFELL

DRIFTER In the darkest alleys of the few remaining towns, shady individuals who grew up under the nightly cloak of the Lunar Age prowl around, inspired by the endless void that towers over them. These wanderers are experts in oratory, deception, and occult investigation, and develop the ability to unmask the darkest secrets of those they deal with. After a life conducted in unhealthy or poor places, unusual and sometimes disturbing character traits develop in them. Skills Proficiencies: Stealth or Sleight of Hand; Intimidation or Deception Other Proficiencies: disguise kit, thieves’ tools Equipment: silver pendant adorned with a rat skull (worth 10 gp), handcuffs, a rusty knife (counts as a dagger; if you deal a critical hit with it, it breaks), black tunic, a purse with 5 gp, a worn map of the town you once called home. FEATURE: BREACH INTO THE DARKNESS If you spend 10 minutes talking with a person who does not view you as an enemy, you can make them trust you with their terrible secret, their biggest fear, or the obsession that devours them by making a Charisma (Deception or Intimidation) check (DC 20). If you share your secret, your greatest fear, or your obsession first, you have Advantage on the Ability check. Once this feature is used, it cannot be used against the same person for the next seven days. SUGGESTED TRAITS Drifters often appear as gloomy and disturbing characters, and their habits often cause dismay. They love sharp weapons, such as daggers or swords, and are used to peering deep into their own soul and those of others. These characters often tend to investigate the habits of others, trying to mirror the vices of their interlocutors or simply attempting to expose their secrets for their own benefit. d8 Personality traits 1 I eat my nails when I am nervous. 2 My answers are always in the form of a question. 3 I always keep an eye on the way out. 4 I am curious and attracted to macabre things. 5 When I stare into someone's eyes, I never look away, and I never blink. 6 The suffering of others leaves me seemingly indifferent. 7 I tend to dress in black only. 8 During idle moments I tend to fiddle with knives and other blades. d6 Ideals 1 Friendship (good): Material possessions come and go, bonds between people are for life. 2 Sincerity (lawful): The eyes are the mirror of the soul, mine are a transparent glass that shows how I feel. 3 Power (evil): if I become powerful, I can have what I want. In fact, what I deserve! 4 Emotional (chaotic): Emotions must be left free to express themselves. 5 Live and let live (neutral): Hanging on to other people's affairs only brings trouble. 6 Quid pro Quo (neutral): I help those who help me. Isn’t it simple? d6 Bonds 1 Something precious has been stolen from me, and I intend to take it back. 2 Someone very important to me died because of my mistake. It is never going to happen again. 3 I would do anything to show that I am not just a nobody. 4 In a dream I saw a great evil, and I could destroy it or bend it to my will. 5 I write down my life in a diary. If I lose it, no one will ever know who I was. 6 I am obsessed with the events of a particular day, and my mother's face. 133 Adventurers of the night

direction from which a sound comes. In addition, if they are in such a place, they cannot be surprised by corporeal creatures. SUGGESTED FEATURES Those who grew up in a gloomy place like the Enclave are very empathetic towards those who, like them, grew up in situations of poverty, illness, or rejection by the community. They are also skilled explorers, prudent but tenacious adventurers and know how to settle well in underground tunnels, to which they have always been accustomed. They sometimes show naive amazement when they are outdoors and can admire the sky and stars and present themselves as promising members of those parties who need guides in the dungeons, sentries, or vanguards with sharp senses. d8 Personality traits 1 I like to slip into cramped spaces where no one can reach me. 2 I like to caress the ground or rock walls. 3 I never face problems directly, I always look for a winding path and yet safer, in my opinion. 4 I think anyone who is nice to me has a second purpose. 5 I have lost a lot of friends; I do not want to lose any more. 6 Teamwork is the best way to achieve a goal. 7 I'm always ecstatic at the sight of the moon. 8 Bright lights bother my eyes. d6 Ideals 1 Prevarication (evil): Life is all about eating or being eaten, and I am not prey. 2 Memory (lawful): I have to keep my people's traditions alive, or soon they will be lost forever. 3 Self-improvement (neutral): The purpose of life is to never stop learning, honing, and improving. 4 Introspection (neutral): The only true answers to the questions of life are those found within. 5 Relativism (chaotic): Truth depends on the point of view of each one of us, everyone has the right to their own truth. 6 Empathy (good): I acknowledge my own suffering in the eyes of others, and this encourages me to help others. d6 Flaws 1 I refuse to wear clothes that are not black or gray; I’d rather die of cold. 2 I am pessimistic and nihilistic, and I often give up hope too soon. 3 I hear veiled insults and sarcasm even in the harmless words of those who did not intend to offend me. 4 I am terribly jealous and possessive of anyone close to me. 5 I am unpredictable and I switch between moments of apathy and explosions of anger and violence, and then sink into desperate weeping. 6 I hide dark thoughts that I have not been able to get out of my head. ENCLAVE DWELLER Beneath Ervenrun there are endless underground tunnels, some of them are part of the city, as if it were a neighborhood of outcasts and lowlifes. Most of the people living in the Enclave are Anireth, but also other people, some of dubious morality and usefulness, live there. In this deep place discouragement and despair lurk for those people who ultimately take their first steps towards an adventure or revenge. Such a life can shape evil individuals, but also nocturnal adventurers who know how to deal with darkness and the sinister echoes in front of which many would flee. This Past can also adapt to those who grew up in the deep neighborhoods of the Northern Lookout, where ethnicities more accustomed to life underground dwell. Life is less bitter there than for the Enclave's outcasts, but they are accustomed to the cramped tunnels of these underground encampments and the shadows moving in the silent forgotten ravines all the same. Skills Proficiencies: Nature or Perception; Survival or History Other Proficiencies: A musical instrument of your choice, a language of your choice (except Whispers of the Echoes) Equipment: A musical instrument in which you are Proficient, a rope (50 feet), a bell, a bag of marbles, a necklace with a gemstone of the depths (value 5 gp), gemstones of the depths (five gems worth 1 gp each) FEATURE: ECHOES OF THE DEPTHS The hearing of those who lived in the Enclave is accustomed to the acoustic sounds and vibrations that are heard underground. When in a closed place, mainly surrounded by rock and stone, they can accurately pinpoint the distance and 134 NIGHTFELL

4. I committed a crime. 5. There was a shortage of food and resources in my village, so they had to send some of us away. 6. They thought I was a burden for the community. Skills Proficiencies: Survival or Insight; Stealth or Sleight of Hand Other Proficiencies: A musical instrument or supplied roaming Lyvar’s supplies, vehicles (water) Equipment: A musical instrument you are Proficient with, a whistle, a lantern with a flask of oil, a tent, worn clothes, a dark hooded cape, a purse with 5 gp; a stray dog, faithful but wary with strangers (it has the statistics of a Mastiff and obeys your verbal commands) FEATURE: SLEEPING WITH ONE EYE OPEN Even when you fall asleep, you are still on the lookout and have Advantage in Passive Perception not to be surprised while you sleep. SUGGESTED TRAITS Very few survive exile.On their face you can see the expression of those who have watched the abyss too closely. These characters have honed unique survival skills and know they can only count on themselves. Displays of hatred towards those who have driven them out and petty selfishness, caused by months and years spent thinking only of themselves, are not infrequent. Some are more comfortable with the wild animals with whom they share the fate of stray, protecting each other and keeping themselves company in the silence and solitude of the Known Lands. d8 Personality traits 1 My trust is hard to earn and lost in a flash. 2 When I come to a new place, I take note of the escape routes. 3 If anyone is in trouble, I am the first to run to the rescue. 4 I get bored easily, and then I play around with whatever is in my hand. 5 I take care of my companions as if they cannot do it by themselves. 6 I am driven by a hunger for adventure that every day takes me further from home. 7 I always act prudently, aware of the dangers that exist in the world. 8 When I go into outposts, I tend to look for a place to eat first. d6 Bonds 1 My people are always at the center of my thoughts, even when we are far apart. 2 It is my duty to protect the weak, especially those who have lost their homes or families. 3 I will bring the fury of the underground to those who dared to shed innocent blood in my community many years ago. 4 I owe a traveling merchant, who rescued me when I thought I was doomed. 5 My loyalty to the Enclave is unwavering. 6 The alliance between my family and another underground house must be sustained at all costs. d6 Flaws 1 I cannot resist a pretty face. 2 I am convinced that I am always one step ahead of everyone, even when I am not. 3 I tend to insult people out loud in my people's language; surely, the target of invective does not understand what I am saying. 4 I am convinced I have a glorious destiny ahead of me, and I take risks that I should not. 5 I am never satisfied with what I have. 6 I am impulsive and reckless when I think I am safe. EXILE This fate often falls on the ill-liked Anireth, but anyone can be driven out of a town in the atmosphere of distrust and restlessness that permeates the Lunar Age. Being alone in the eternal darkness of the Iùrmen’s wasteland is a fate worse than a death sentence and is reserved for criminals and nonconformists of all kinds. Exiles are therefore facing a long journey to find a place to be welcomed. However, in most cases they lose themselves, never to be seen or heard from again, swallowed up by the horrors of the outside world. The player can roll 1d6 to determine the reason for the exile: 1. I was considered too different to live among the townsfolk. 2. I was exposed while performing forbidden practices. 3. A rival of mine plotted to denounce me. 135 Adventurers of the night

LEGENDS’ SCHOLAR An ancient world like Iùrmen harbours legends of all kinds, written and handed down during the ages. There are individuals who become expert connoisseurs of stories and rumors, hoarders of books of legends and master storytellers who entertain their companions. A Legends’ Scholar is this and much more, being a person devoted to knowledge and study. The horrors, the creatures, and the stories about this age and the previous are a matter of curiosity and research for the learned. Skill Proficiency: Arcana or Religion; History or Nature Other Proficiencies: two languages of your choice (except Whispers of the Echoes) Equipment: two books on myths and legends (each relating to one of the two skills obtained with this background), four candles, a pipe, aromatic tobacco (choice between vanilla and honey, licorice, rosemary, or mint), scholar's tunic, a purse with 15 gp FEATURE: INK LEGENDS When you make a check about myths and legends with one of the skills obtained from this background, if you have a book related to the subject, you can spend a minute reading. By doing so, you will have Advantage on the Skill Check. The information thus obtained will be narrated by the NM in the form of a metaphor, poem, fairy tale, myth or legend (do not expect answers such as "these creatures are vulnerable to radiant damage, and susceptible to moonlight", but rather "the legend of Uthyr tells how the knight waited for the first lights of Mirithlen to fight the beings who wanted to tear his soul away; his blade glowed with a shining silver halo and cleaved the darkness leaving no room for escape.”) Every time you use this feature, roll 1d20. If you get 1 as a result, that book no longer has secrets, and can no longer be used with this feature. Books about Myths and Legends: When you choose this background, you get two books about myths and legends that allow you to use the Ink Legends privilege. If a book is lost, stolen, destroyed or no longer has secrets for the owner (see above), then you need to find another one in order to use the feature. SUGGESTED TRAITS In many situations, nocturnal adventurers may need to deepen their knowledge of monsters, legends, historical events, etc. The Legends’ Scholar stand as fundamental allies in these circ*mstances, given their affinity with history and folk customs. d6 Ideals 1 Fairness (lawful): I never blame those who are unable to provide for themselves. 2 Redemption (good): Everyone deserves a second chance. 3 Greed (evil): I will do whatever it takes to become rich. 4 Freedom (chaotic): Tying yourself to something or someone means accepting some sort of slavery. 5 People (neutral): I am true to people, not ideals. 6 Change (chaotic): life is constantly changing, like the moon, and we have to change with it. d6 Bonds 1 I am on the run for a crime I did not commit. One day I will prove my innocence. 2 My family betrayed me and sold me to the authorities. Now I want to start a new family to forget the old one. 3 I took the blame for a crime committed by someone I love. One day I will go back to that person. 4 I was exiled for committing a terrible crime, but I suffer from amnesia, and I do not know if I am really guilty of it. 5 I was exiled for crossing someone far more powerful and influential than I. Sooner or later I will go back, wielding authority greater than them and return the favour. 6 Forced loneliness makes me care and protect my fellow travelers as if they were my new family. d6 Flaws 1 I always forget names, and I end up mangling them. 2 I tend to overestimate my abilities, often getting into trouble. 3 I am always ready to turn my back on those who accompany me. 4 I am a craven. 5 I cannot swim and I am afraid of water. 6 I am always the first to rush on the loot. 136 NIGHTFELL

They are often also Masters of Tradition whose thirst for knowledge is accentuated or are itinerant scholars who lend their knowledge and experience to the party. d8 Personality traits 1 I ask a lot of questions. 2 I love making small bets on everything. 3 I speak very slowly and use long, archaic words. 4 My language and bearing are worthy of a nobleman. 5 I love talking about what interests me, even with those who are not interested at all. 6 I am curious and I love riddles. 7 I let myself be attracted to any form of knowledge that can enrich me intellectually. 8 I never part from my belongings. d6 Ideals 1 Knowledge (neutral): The road to success passes through knowledge. 2 Memory (lawful): We must hold on to the past in order to have a firmer grip on the present and the future. 3 Inspiration (chaotic): Everyone must follow their instincts and let themselves be inspired by their surroundings. 4 Teaching (good): Teaching important lessons to future generations is the only way to survive. 5 Pushing the limits (neutral): You have to push for knowledge beyond your limits to progress and improve. 6 Pride (evil): making others feel inferior and thus feeling superior is the real purpose of acquiring more knowledge. d6 Bonds 1 I have an ancient book, sought-after for the heretic legends that it holds. 2 I have an ancient scroll of parchment on which a compelling but incomplete poem is told. 3 I discovered a prophecy between the lines of a poem, and several factions hunt me for my discovery. 4 I tell fairy tales and legends to anyone who wants to listen, because I can no longer tell them to the love of my life. 5 All my life I have been looking for answers to a question that no one can answer. 6 I was tricked during a riddle game and revealed secrets and knowledge that could be dangerous in the wrong hands. d6 Flaws 1 I treat my peers as inferior, constantly implying that they are in some way lacking. 2 I smoke like a chimney, even when it may not seem appropriate. 3 I suffer from narcolepsy, and it goes wild when I focus too much. 4 I am afraid of spiders. 5 I have a very annoying pronunciation defect. 6 I am very jealous of my books, woe to those who dare to touch them! NIGHT NOMAD In the vast moors of the Known Lands, there are still ethnic groups, families, or tribes, who challenge the impervious forgotten roads of the outside world. Night Faelings are often those who are more familiar with this way of life under the open sky, but also parties of other ethnicities whose house or village has been razed to the ground. These characters quickly get used to dealing with the hard life in the Lunar Age and can become sentinels or phenomenal wilderness experts. Some of them simply hope to find their own place in the world, while others are now enthralled by a lifestyle of dangerous adventures, willingly joining groups of nocturnal adventurers. Skills Proficiencies:Athletics or Nature; Perception or Survival Other Proficiencies: A language of your choice (except Whisper of the Echoes), maps and cartographer’s tools Equipment: A flask full of water, a rope (50 feet), an old map of the Known Lands, a torch, a rare item you found during your wanderings (value 10 gp), a sleeping bag and simple clothes Feature: Sense of Direction When you find yourself outdoors in wild and unknown lands, you can easily find your bearing and acquire knowledge about the place from a naturalistic point of view. You can spend 10 minutes looking at the map, having Advantage on Wisdom (Nature and Survival) checks related to the new environment. Suggested traits Those who grew up in the outside world, or who have become accustomed to a nomadic life, often have a natural propensity for adventure and recklessness. They rely heavily on their sense of direction and are often the ones guiding their fellow adventurers. They are tenacious and reckless night adventurers, although they sometimes face tragedies that torment them in their sleep. 137 Adventurers of the night

d8 Personality traits 1 I love the outdoors and feel discomfort in enclosed places. 2 I am not leaving anyone behind! 3 Over time I have developed some peculiar habits, quite different from those of ordinary people. 4 I envy those who have a place to call home. 5 I am curious about the origins or place of origin of my nomadic group/people. 6 I collect particular stones that I find along my way. 7 I am always careful that my group does not run out of food and water. 8 I have a soft spot for alcoholic beverages. d6 Ideals 1 Loyalty (lawful): Living with a group has always taught me the value of loyalty and mutual support. 2 Shrewdness (evil): In nature, the strong abuses the weak; that is how you survive! 3 Discovery (any): Wherever I go, there is always wealth to be seized or to increase my experience. 4 Bond (good): I will always help those I consider part of my family. 5 Hope (chaotic): One day this nomadic life will end; I will make sure of it. 6 Ingenuity (neutral): Anyone who has seen what I have seen knows that the mind is the best weapon. d6 Bonds 1 My real goal is to find a safe place for my people to settle down after so much wandering. 2 I keep on wandering in search of something my parents were looking for. 3 The love of my life and I have been separated against our will and my journey will only end when I find my better half. 4 The unique customs of my people must be passed down and these traditions deserve to be known by others. 5 My new group of night adventurers is all I have, and I will never abandon them. 6 During my travels, my inaction once led to tragedy and this regret will always follow me. 138 NIGHTFELL

SUGGESTED TRAITS Those who have been raised by witches can have remarkably diverse personalities. Some experience their condition as trauma and crave vengeance against all the crones and hags of the wilderness, while others exploit the acquired knowledge to pursue devious ends or develop those same powers that have horrified them since childhood. Nonetheless, all psychological traits of these illegitimate children of the ancient witches are influenced by an unconscious link to the occult and to naturalistic or esoteric forces. Whether they like it or not, the education they received from the witches has turned into an indelible mark. d6 Flaws 1 I become aggravated if I spend too many hours in a closed environment. 2 In the face of dangers that are unknown to me, my assumptions collapse, and I panic. 3 Those who do not follow my advice during an expedition are undoubtedly fools! 4 I am terrified of getting lost. 5 Adverse weather conditions make me uncomfortable, and I am confused about what to do. 6 Betraying my loyalty means having me as a sworn enemy. RAISED BY WITCHES Sometimes, a wanderer may notice strange marks carved on their interlocutor's skin, or an unusual tattoo that makes them think of something obscure. This can happen when you meet someone who has been raised by witches, whose mark is indelibly imprinted on their body and soul. Witches usually kidnap children to perform evil rituals, devour them, or sacrifice them to evil entities. In other cases, they try to impart to the unfortunate children a form of esoteric education, experimenting and trying to understand if they can draw their fragile minds towards dark impulses, fostering perverted beliefs in them. Some children manage to escape or kill their captors once grown. They become adventurers, forever damaged by a childhood spent in the forgotten corners of the wildest places in Iùrmen. Skills Proficiencies: Deception or Intimidation; Arcana or Nature Other Proficiencies: apotropaic items (such as salt, oil, wine, iron, etc...), witch’s pack Equipment: a witch's pack, a knobby stick (counts as a quarterstaff and as a spellcasting focus), worn tunic, animal fur, a purse with 2 gp, a poisonous toad (use the statistics of a Frog; in addition, if it is eaten or licked, it deals 1d6 poison damage and induces harmless visions and hallucinations for a minute) FEATURE: VOICE OF THE FOREST Those who have been raised by witches are able to interpret the behavior of animals, changes in vegetation, and variations in the wind to predict weather over the next 12 hours. 139 Adventurers of the night

d6 Flaws 1 My personal hygiene is more similar to that of an animal than a civilised person. 2 I speak mainly in monosyllables. 3 My face is perpetually distorted into a particular grimace. 4 I am very jealous of my belongings. 5 I assault food as if it could be the last meal I will see in a week. 6 I enjoy scaring kids and superstitious people. SEEKER OF HOPE No matter how hard life in the Lunar Age is. Some individuals will simply never surrender in the face of despair and terror, drawing strength from their natural propension to spread joy and pursue peace. It is often the most heartbroken or those who have lost everything who bear this responsibility. A Seeker of Hope is the one who has filled the void in their heart and is able to instill their desire to smile in others and allow for carefree moments even when the world seems to be falling apart. They often wander, embracing their inner mission to see the people around them smile again. These characters are key members in parties of nocturnal adventurers, as they always take care hat the morale of their companions does not collapse into the dark abyss where this life can all too easily lead. Skill Proficiencies: Performance or Insight, Investigation or Persuasion Other Proficiencies: a musical instrument, a language of your choice (except Whisper of the Echoes) Equipment: a musical instrument in which you are Proficient; a book of children’s fairy tales: epic stories or prophecies that promise a better tomorrow; pastel shade clothes, a hooded cape, a purse with 5 gp, a medallion depicting the moon worth 10 gp. FEATURE: BESTOW JOY A Seeker of Hope is always welcome in settlements. Their words, actions, songs, and smile give hope for a better future or consolation for an arduous present. In the Lunar Age, a Seeker of Hope is nothing more than a small candle in the darkness but, d8 Personality traits 1 Those who harm me will suffer terrible consequences! 2 I know nothing about manners or etiquette. 3 I can learn a lesson from any situation, comparing it to the workings of the natural world. 4 I always hide small portions of food in the folds of my clothes. 5 I like darkness and humidity: bogs are my favorite place. 6 I always speak bluntly. 7 I like animals that would disgust other, such as frogs, spiders, or snakes. 8 I'm not comfortable sleeping in real beds! d6 Ideals 1 Traditions (lawful): The ancient traditions of blood and woods must be preserved. 2 Independence (chaotic): I am a free spirit; I do not recognize any authority. 3 Nature (neutral): Nature must remain uncontaminated. 4 Respect (neutral): Every living being is worthy of being treated with respect, even in death. 5 Sharing (good): My knowledge is meant to be shared with everyone, not to be hidden. 6 Power (evil): The more power I get, the less I am subject to the will of others. d6 Bonds 1 I am willing to do anything to recover a rare witches’ artifact. 2 I am obsessed with tracking down my real family and meeting them. 3 Preserving nature is my first thought when I wake up in the morning. 4 A prophecy (may it be true or false) has declared me as a bringer of change, and many persecute me for fear of this prediction. 5 I have committed an abominable crime and I live in terror of being discovered. 6 I will always remember the forest that for many years has been my home. 140 NIGHTFELL

although its light is often faint, a candle’s duty is to transmit its flame to other candles. The innocent and the pure in spirit are attracted to the Seeker of Hope, instinctively trusting their words, and will do anything possible to help them in their mission. SUGGESTED TRAITS Seekers of Hope are characters who tend to look for sources of light even in the thickest darkness. No matter how fiercely the Dark Mirror may rage in the Known Lands, and no matter how widespread malevolence is among survivors, these wanderers feel the strong impulse to give warmth to the hearts of those they meet. Their optimistic personality and perseverance allow those around them to smile again, even if only for a few moments. d8 Personality traits 1 I always have a smile on my face, even when the situation is difficult. 2 I often whistle roundelays without realizing it. 3 My clothes are always clean and tidy. 4 My voice is musical and pleasant. 5 I think I am the only real beacon of hope for the people; any other is just an amateur. 6 When I am facing difficulty, I repeat the same questions I was asked just to buy time. 7 I do not easily give in to despair, but when it happens, I sink into a very deep sadness. 8 Beware the wrath of the patient! d6 Ideals 1 Joy (good): No price is too high for a child's smile. 2 Fairness (lawful): If everyone behaved correctly, everything would work better. 3 Art (neutral): The search for beauty is the ultimate goal of existence. 4 Harmony (neutral): Everything, every person, every being has its ideal place in the plot of destiny and existence. 5 Free spirit (chaotic): No one can tie me up or force me to do anything I do not want. 6 False hopes (evil): In my heart I know that hope is nothing more than palliatives and lies. d6 Bonds 1 I had a family and kids, but we were separated by fate. 2 Every stranger is a friend I have not met yet: the world is my community. 3 I have a twin brother who does not share my views on life, euphemistically speaking. 4 For years I sang with a touring troupe, but they were apprehended by a debased gentleman, and I was the only one able to escape. 5 I had not been calm enough to give hope to a lethally wounded child. The memory of their grieving eyes while they faded out still haunts me. 6 A priest from a small church gave me asylum one night when I was tired from my journey. I promised to repay his kindness when I get the chance. d6 Flaws 1 I always have to have the last word, and that gets on the nerves of lots of people. 2 When I am nervous or scared, I cannot stop laughing. 3 When I get angry, I often take it out on the musical instrument I hold. 4 I am very naive, and people often take advantage of it. 5 I am terrible at bargaining, and I end up doing underpaid jobs or buying worthless items and paying their weight in gold. 6 When I start telling a story or anecdote, I do not stop until I am done. I resume the thread even after several minutes if someone interrupts me. TOUCHED BY EVIL The ones who are most scarred by what darkness brings, however, are those who have seen what happens when the darkness comes into the light. Some were children when they saw the horrors of the night feeding on relatives in their beds, others were traumatized for not being able to protect their companions while they were taken away by followers of the Unholy Sacrament. Terrible events forever bear an indelible mark, conditioning those poor wretched souls for the rest of their lives. Skills Proficiencies: Athletics or Stealth, Survival or History Other Proficiencies: Apotropaic objects (such as salt, wine, oil, iron, etc.). 142 NIGHTFELL

Equipment: A bag containing salt, common clothes, a notebook filled with terrible memories usually kept hidden, a token of a loved one (a piece of cloth from a cloak, a wooden toy, a tool taken from their old house), a small knife, iron nails and 15 gp FEATURE: CLOSE TO DEATH An individual touched by evil has been exposed to tragic and deadly situations. Some come into contact with evil entities as a mistake of fate, survive massacres or are traumatized by haunting ghosts at a young age. All those who have lived these experiences remain scarred in the soul and will always be accompanied by a bad feeling, almost like an invisible presence, when exposed to darkness. This makes them more accustomed to perceiving the dangers that surround them. SUGGESTED TRAITS Everyone metabolizes their traumas as best as they can. There are those who equip themselves and develop skills so as not to feel helpless, and those who spend their lives running away or avoiding conflict. In many cases, these characters seek knowledge to deepen their understanding of these evil creatures in an effort to explain what happened to them. d8 Personality traits 1 I never want to be too far away from my allies or be at the end of the line during exploration. 2 I feel deep empathy for those who, like me, have had awful experiences. 3 I hardly tell my story to anyone, but I think about it often. 4 I tend to be shy and serious, rarely talk, and trust few people. 5 Despite my traumas, I face darkness and monsters fiercely. 6 If I get the impression that others pity me, I retreat within myself. 7 I allow myself to be fascinated by all forms of storytelling, documents, or relics that give me more knowledge about the creatures I will have to face. 8 I tend to get attached easily and look for solid bonds to compensate for my loss. d6 Ideals 1 Duty (lawful): I feel obliged to protect others and prevent others from having traumatic experiences. 2 Yearning (evil): Darkness has charmed me, and I yearn to acquire more of its power. 3 Memories (any): I fervently hope to regain inner peace after a life obsessed with the past. 4 Courage (good): I want to overcome all my fears and help others to face theirs. 5 Research (chaotic): I hope, one day, to find the ones who made me suffer and end their cruelty. 6 Purpose (neutral): There must be no weakness when your mission is at stake. d6 Bonds 1 I wish to purify the place I have abandoned of those who haunt it. 2 I never separate myself from objects that remind me of lost loved ones. 3 What happened to me continues to haunt me. Every time I close my eyes, I relive those bad moments. 4 I continue to cultivate a habit I had before my life changed, as a link to the past. 5 When I really get attached to someone, I would do anything to protect them. 6 My trauma is so strong and lasting that I will constantly feel discomfort, repentance or horror at what happened. d6 Flaws 1 If I am facing something like what traumatized me, I panic. 2 When I get the feeling that something dark is going on, I get nervous. 3 I easily give in to anger if my comrades do not want to intervene to help someone in danger. 4 I am constantly afraid that I may give in to possession by evil entities. 5 Being in front of horrible scenes throws me into despair. 6 I become morbidly suspicious when I find myself in the presence of someone deceptive. 143 Adventurers of the night

d8 Personality traits 1 I remain calm even in the face of an impending catastrophe. 2 I never show fear or despair. 3 I take note of every event: it could be important in the grand scheme of things. 4 I am always polite and respectful. 5 I have an idiom for every occasion. 6 I often have troubled sleep. 7 I let the others finish before I start to speak. 8 When I think I am right, I am not easily moved away from my positions. d6 Ideals 1 Greater Good (good): Our duty is to put our lives at stake for that of others. 2 Responsibility (lawful): You should never escape the consequences of your actions. 3 The end justifies the means (evil): It is not important how you get there, all that matters is the result. 4 Community (neutral): We must take care of each other, without paying attention to what divides us. 5 Restraint (neutral): No ideal is so important as to justify war or murder. 6 Passing the buck (chaotic): The important thing is never taking the blame and finding a scapegoat. VIRTUOUS IN SPIRIT Despite the dangers or real-life nightmares that everyone faces during the Lunar Age, some manage to maintain a stoic lucidity. This resilience can only come from one's ideals, one's own bonds or one's faith. Whether they are idealistic individuals, spiritual ascendants or simply self-confident, they place morality above everything. These Virtuous in Spirit are often acknowledged as authoritative and trustworthy figures and it is not uncommon for them to act as guides for fellow travelers or their families. Skills Proficiencies: Intimidation or Perception; Persuasion or Investigation Other Proficiencies: a musical instrument, a language of your choice (except Whispers of the Echoes) Equipment: 3 meditation incense sticks, a humble tunic, walking stick (counts as a club), healer’s kit (only 2 uses remaining), a purse with 5 gp FEATURE: EMISSARY OF SERENITY Strangers immediately recognize your true virtuous nature. Your words are always listened with great attention, your opinion is always considered important, and everyone shows you respect and trusts that you know what the right thing to do is; however, when your opinion, words and advice are proved to be wrong and harmful to the community, the appeal of your personality diminishes, and that community will no longer have any respect for you. SUGGESTED TRAITS A Virtuous in Spirit is always ready to act as a guide, advisor, or consultant. They tend to speak only when they know what they say to be true and take care to use the most appropriate words, situation, and interlocutor wise. They are usually driven to wander by their ideals and the will to work to oppose darkness. When they are in groups with other adventurers, they rarely tend to clash verbally with their companions, but when they feel that something is a matter of principle, they do not distance themselves from their ideals. Sometimes they may appear conceited, but the truth is that they are often right when they speak. 144 NIGHTFELL

d6 Bonds 1 Respect for ordinary people is everything to me. 2 My duty is to protect those who trust me. 3 I sold my soul to have access to forbidden knowledge. I hope this never comes to light. 4 In every city, there are always those who decide to challenge my ideas and my suggestions just to show off. 5 I never forget the mistakes I make, especially those that cost the life of an innocent. 6 I have given my word to someone that I would solve their problem, but I have yet to find a solution. d6 Flaws 1 I do not really know what I am doing, but people trust me anyway. 2 In order to get the better of a discussion, I do not care about friendships and affections that could come out damaged. 3 Every mistake I make, even the most trivial, haunts me far beyond what is normal. 4 I hide a perversion that common morality would not like. 5 I too often indulge in the pleasures of wine, food, and company. 6 I cannot admit I am wrong, not even in front of the evidence.

CHAPTER SIX DELVE INTO THE NIGHT “The Moon has gifts for everyone. Even the creatures of darkness can tap into it and use that pale light for evil purposes.” - Acirenzia, matriarch of the vampire progeny of Iùrmen - This chapter explores the new game mechanics Nightfell adds to the 5th edition system to enrich your game sessions. SSooul Pooinnts , 148 Possession , 151 GGrim WWeapon pons , 153 The Moon , 155

Example: Challenge rating 1 or less DC 10 Challenge rating 2 or 3 DC 11 Challenge rating 4 or 5 DC 12 Challenge rating 10 or 11 DC 15 Challenge rating 18 or 19 DC 19 • Might of the Soul: As a bonus action, a character can sacrifice their Soul Points, from a minimum of 1 to a maximum equal to their level plus their Charisma modifier, to obtain as many bonus Temporary Hit Points, that last until spent; however, a character cannot willingly sacrifice all their remaining Soul Points using this ability. • Overwhelming Temptation (optional): Whenever a character indulges in sin, allows themselves be tempted by darkness and befittingly portrays a behavioural flaw, they can choose to roll 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, or 1d10 to determine how many Soul Points they can trade for a bonus to any Ability check, Saving Throw or Attack Roll performed in the following turn; the name Overwhelming Temptation suggests that it is up to the NM to provide an opening, such as an ethical bind or too tempting an opportunity, for the character to show their deplorable side and act out accordingly. This mechanic is intended to be optional: using it in game sessions or not should be discussed by the NM and the players prior to the game. • A Taste of Darkness (optional): When brought to 0 hit points, a character can use their last moments of clarity to linger in the surrounding darkness and delve into their own soul to find the same darkness. By doing so, they can opt for losing Soul Points equal to their character level to stay at 1 hit point instead of 0; once used, a character can resort to Taste of Darkness only after a Short or Long Rest. SOUL POINTS WHAT ARE THEY? Soul Points represent a character’s psychological and spiritual fortitude in the face of soul-consuming decay. Each character has a Soul Point supply of 5 plus their Wisdom Modifier per level. In addition, spellcasters gain 1 more point for every Spell Slot they have. Exceptionally, Warlocks gain 3 points for Spell Slot. Soul Points = [(5 + Wisdom Modifier) x character level] + spell slots The following chart makes it easier to determine how many slots a character has per level. SOUL POINT LOSS Characters will lose their precious Soul Points every time they deal with supernatural events, dread manifestations of Ènferun and when attacked by creatures of the dark. Characters reaching 0 Soul Points become Possessed: a new condition described below. Here are the most frequent causes for Soul Point Loss: • Spellcasting: Whenever a character casts a 1st level spell or greater, they lose 1 Soul Point, unless it is a Holy Spell. - A Holy Spell is defined as any spell that deals radiant damage, or by the presence of the words “holy”, “divine” or “faithful” in the spell’s name; in addition, all spells from the School of the Moon are to be considered Holy. • Vile Foe: Whenever a character faces Aberrations, Fiends or Undead, they must make a successful Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 10 + half the creature’s Challenge Rating, rounded down to a minimum of 10) or losing as much Soul Points as the creature’s Challenge Rating (to a minimum of 1; further encounters with the same kind of creature during the same day involve no further Saving Throws. 148 NIGHTFELL

Level Class Eldritch Knight, Arcane Mysticist Paladin, Ranger Bard, Cleric, Druid, Wi- zard, Sorcerer Warlock* Multiclass 1st 0 0 2 1 (3) 2 2nd 0 2 3 2 (6) 3 3rd 2 3 6 2 (6) 6 4th 3 3 7 2 (6) 7 6th 3 6 10 2 (6) 10 7th 6 7 11 2 (6) 11 8th 6 7 12 2 (6) 12 9th 6 9 14 2 (6) 14 10th 7 9 15 2 (6) 15 11th 7 10 16 3 (9) 16 12th 7 10 16 3 (9) 16 13th 9 11 17 3 (9) 17 14th 9 11 17 3 (9) 17 15th 9 12 18 3 (9) 18 16th 10 12 18 3 (9) 18 17th 10 12 19 4 (12) 19 18th 10 14 20 4 (12) 20 19th 11 15 21 4 (12) 21 20th 11 15 22 4 (12) 22 *in brackets, the actual value of Spirit Points for each Warlock Spell Slot 149 Delve into the Night

- Narrative Soul Point losses per day should approximately be equal to: character’s level + 2 - Example: Over the day (between one Long Rest and the next one), a NM dealing with 2nd level characters should inflict at most a Narrative Soul Point loss up to 4 points; if the characters were 10th level, the narrative Soul Point loss could sum up to 12 points. REGAINING SOUL POINTS A character’s spiritual fortitude can be regained by meditating or simply committing to small things and earthly matters, to rediscover life’s bright side and momentarily forget about the looming darkness. After they complete a short rest, a character regains 1 + Wisdom modifier (to a minimum of 1) Soul Points for every spent Hit Dice. NB: A character with full Hit Points can still spend their Hit Die to regain Soul Points in this way. After they complete a long rest, a character regains an amount of Soul Points equal to their highest ability among Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. Such versatility represents the way different characters deal with trauma in their sleep: an intelligent character will try and understand, learn from their mistakes, and rationalize their fears; a wise character will follow a philosophical or a religious path, reassuring themselves with thoughts of transcendence and higher purposes; a charismatic character will try and find their inner strength, their resolve to go on and overcome any adversity. Other ways to spiritually recover, such as the Lunar Blessing, are explained in the related paragraphs below. • Evil Creature Assault: Most creatures from Ènferun add spiritual damage to the physical one, causing Soul Point loss. Any creature listed in the Bestiary has the amount of spiritual damage it deals reported in its statistics; however, if a NM wanted to employ creatures of its own creation or taken from another rulebook, the following guidelines might help them determine the amount of spiritual damage dealt per round according to the monsters’ Challenge Rating. Note: Not all monsters have to deal spiritual damage; if every fight involves this kind of game mechanic it might become boring, predictable, or needlessly deadly. - Challenge Rating of 1 or lower: 1 or 2 Soul Points lost per round - Challenge Rating from 2 to 4: 3 (1d4) Soul Points lost per round - Challenge Rating from 5 to 7: 4 (1d6) Soul Points lost per round - Challenge Rating from 8 to 10: 5 (2d4) Soul Points lost per round - Challenge Rating from 11 to 14: 7 (2d6) Soul Points lost per round - Challenge Rating 15 to 17: 10 (3d6) Soul Points lost per round - Challenge Rating from 18 to 20: 12 (5d4) Soul Points lost per round - Challenge Rating over 20: 15 or more (6d4 or 4d6) Soul Points lost per round • Narrative Soul Point Loss: From time to time, the NM might need to inflict a Soul Point loss to increase tension and put the characters under pressure. Any NM should find a kind of balance fit for his party, keeping in mind that Soul Point loss is the primary cause of death in Nightfell, because a Possessed character with 0 hit points dies instantly. 150 NIGHTFELL

(ENG) D&D 5a Ed. - Nightfell - Corebook - Flip eBook Pages 101-150 (2024)
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